Visions of Evil

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Another miraculous, sun-filled day blessed the peaceful kingdom of Equestria. The solar frame of the sun shined along the capital city of Canterlot. In the throne room of the mighty castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle sat upon the celestial throne with her mentor, Princess Celestia, at her side. After many adventures as of late, followed by word of the emergence of Equestria's new threat, the diarchy of the sun decided it was time to train her pupil the ways of ruling over a nation.

After all, Twilight alone would rule over all Equestria by herself when Celestia and Luna fully step away from the throne. The two had already retired from a majority of their royal duties. But for the time being, they decided it was best to remain until Twilight Sparkle was fully capable to rule on her own.

Today's lesson was to see if Twilight could run day court. Sure, Celestia was there should she need help. But mostly, she was going solo. Currently, a Pegasus mare, Snow Breeze by name, had tears streaming down her face as she stood at the foot of the stairway to the throne addressing the Princess of Friendship herself.

"So, Miss Snow Breeze, what brings you here today?" Twilight asked sweetly.

Snow Breeze steps forward, bowing lightly before responding.

"You see Princess," The poor mare began, sobbing. "I come before you today in hopes that, with your permission, you'd be able to say a few kind words at my father's funeral."

Twilight could feel the pain and sadness radiating off the poor mare. Truth be told, it made Twilight feel a slight upset too. However, she knew as ruler she had to keep calm and collected for her subjects in order to maintain peace.

"I am truly sorry to hear of your father's passing," Twilight said apologetically.

"Thank you, your grace," Snow Breeze sniffed. "He was a very simple pony who didn't have many friends or even close acquaintances. But he always kept a smile on his face, always believed in your legitimacy as a Princess. It was always his hope you would speak at his funeral when he passed."

Twilight pulled her glance away from the crying mare, turning over to her mentor as if silently asking 'What should I do?'. Celestia just gave a smile and nod, to which Twilight nodded back. She turns back to Snow Breeze, offering a warm smile.

"I would be very happy and honored to speak at his funeral. You need only provide me the information about when it is, and I promise to be there."

More tears streamed from Snow Breeze's eyes, but this time they were of joy rather than sadness. Once again, she bows to the Princess of Friendship.

"Thank you ever so much, Princess Twilight. I truly feel you will make an excellent ruler."

A Pegasus guard escorts the young stallion from the throne room as two more closed the large doors as they depart. When the doors finally close, Twilight released a huge sigh before slumping back in the throne. Today's day court had been a long one so far and Twilight was drained, physically and emotionally. She turns toward one of the royal guards to her left with half-closed eyes.

"How many more patrons are left?" She asked tiredly.

The guard produced a clipboard, flipping a few pages before looking back at the young lavender Princess.

"After that one we are left with one hundred and sixteen to go," He informed.

Twilight sighed again, slumping even further into the chair. Celestia released a giggle off to the side.

"How did you do this for the last thousand years?" Twilight groaned.

"It takes a great deal of practice and patience to handle as many patrons as we must on a daily basis," Celestia explained. "As a Princess, it is your duty to assist all the ponies of Equestria in whatever way you can. Whether it be passing judgment on others for the greater good or simply allowing them a few moments of your time, there is no small measure of help you can offer."

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