The Investigation Begins

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While the ponies busily caught up, after a lengthy period apart, the Warrens and the Perrons discuss their next course of action. Whatever was causing this family such a huge amount of trouble is certainly something needed to be dealt with soon. It's unclear, at this moment, exactly what the source of the disturbances Carolyn spoke about was, but from the way she described it, this disturbance is clearly very powerful.

Carolyn calls the Perron sisters into the kitchen, so they can meet the esteemed paranormal researchers themselves. Lorraine immediately takes a liking to each of them.

"Oh, my God!" Lorraine said adoringly. "Look at all of you. Who are these beautiful young women?"

"That's Andrea, the oldest," Carolyn introduced. Nancy, Cindy, Christine, and April."

Ed and Lorraine shake all the girls' hands, and they in turn give warm smiles of welcome.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Warren," Carolyn introduced the girls.

The Perrons lead the Warrens into the living room where Celestia, Twilight, and all the other ponies, including Spike, were in the midst of their reunion. Upon seeing the arrival of the family, who took them in, as well as the couple, whom had been so kind to them, every pony backs up and stands before them. Lorraine smiles brightly, kneeling a bit to be at their height.

"I've already met a few of your friends," Lorraine began. "Now who else do we have here?"

"Well, this is my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle," Celestia motioned to the injured alicorn. "And the others you haven't met are Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and of course..."

Celestia's word is cut off when she noticed one of her little ponies no longer with them.

"Has any pony seen Pinkie Pie?" She asked curiously.

Every pony shrugged, all confused as well.


Everyone jumps in fright, as the fluffy pink party pony literally burst out of nowhere from in-between the Warrens and scared the daylights out of them. Pinkie looks toward both Warrens, her eyes bug out of her skull and a huge smile spreads across her face.

"Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie!" She said excitedly. "It's so nice to meet new friends, like the good kind of friends who smile and play and have fun—"

Both Warrens smile awkwardly toward the party pony, offering slight waves of welcome. Pinkie grabs Ed's head, observing him up and down. Ed turns toward the others for an explanation. They all just shrug before Pinkie finally pulls away with a huge gasp.

"Raoul?!" She gasped loudly. "Is that you?!"

Ed looks back and forth, even behind himself, to see if she's talking to someone else.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked confused.

Pinkie nods excitedly, her head bouncing like a bobble-head doll.

"How have you been?! How's Christine?! Do you guys have any kids yet?!"

Finally, Twilight pries Pinkie Pie off of Ed Warren with her magic and set the overly excited party pony down beside her.

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" She asked.

Pinkie turns back-and-forth between Twilight and Ed Warren.

"Don't you see it Twilight?"

"See what?"

Pinkie walks right back toward Ed Warren, climbing onto the chair right beside him. She pulls a picture of 'Raoul de Chagny' from her mane, the very same 'Raoul' from a previous adventure at the opera, and holds the frame beside Ed.

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