Don't Scream

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After Lorraine's discovery, everyone gathered into the living room. Ed, Lorraine, and Celestia joined them as well, with Twilight and the other ponies rushing toward their princess' side.

"Are you alright Celestia?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Yes Twilight," Celestia assured. "I am quite alright."

"Wut happened?" Applejack asked.

"As it turns out, Lorraine and I discovered something in the cellar."

"Bathsheba Sherman possessed the bodies of anyone that lived in her land after her," Lorraine added. "She forced them to kill their children and then themselves as well."

"We must stop her before it happens again," Celestia said urgently.

Suddenly, a slight tremble rolls around the house as one of the crosses Ed placed on a shelf fell. Everyone staggers and stumbles about trying to keep their balance. Suddenly, Christine noticed Nancy's hair lifting on its own.

"Uh... Nancy?" Christine trembled.

Suddenly, Nancy's head is yanked by her hair and she's thrown around the room, screaming. Roger, Ed, and Brad try to grab hold of her, but Nancy is continuously thrown around and about. Thankfully, Twilight and Celestia grabbed her in a magical grip keeping her from being pulled around. Lorraine grabbed some scissors and managed to slice off Nancy's hair, releasing her immediately. Ed turns toward Drew, who's standing with the camera filming all of this.

"Did you get that?" He asked.

"Yeah," Drew responded.

"We need to get the girls out of here right now!" Celestia demanded.

Roger takes Nancy out of the house, walking her toward the car.

"I'll have the footage developed and get it over to Father Gordon," Ed said, walking behind them. "He's our liaison at the Church. I imagine we'll get a pretty fast response."

Thankfully, Twilight and the others already got the other girls out of the house and the kids sat waiting inside the car.

"Okay, everyone all packed up?" Twilight asked.

"Now y'all just make sure to get these girls bout as far away from here as possible," Applejack instructed.

Roger nodded in approval. He's just about to get into the car when Ed stopped him.

"Listen, Roger?" Ed spoke


"Listen, when we get the exorcist I'll be back, but Lorraine, I..."

"Yeah, I understand."


The two men shake hands when all is settled.

"Until then, Drew is going to keep an eye on you," Ed assured.

"Hey, Ed, thank you for everything," Roger thanked.

Roger soon got into the car with his daughters, driving off and away from the house. All the while, Lorraine waited for Ed to load the van. As she stands along the water's edge, she hears a child's voice in the distance.


Lorraine walks along the small dock at the edge, hearing the voice again.


Lorraine walks onto the edge of the deck and peers into the water. Looking down, she is horrified when she sees Judy's body floating under the surface.

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