The Warrens and Annabelle

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As the vortex opened again, the group emerged from the void between time and space. One by one, they step onto the ground below looking around to see where they just arrived. From what they could see, they appeared to be in a room of sorts. All assortment of items scattered throughout the entire floor from top to bottom. Every pony turned to each other, trying to figure out where they had just come to. Then, they suddenly realized something that frightened them. Their group consisted only of Celestia, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

"Where are the others?" Celestia asked, with panic.

"I don't know," Rarity answered nervously. "They were all with us when we left."

"Twilight always warned us from the start that this sometimes happen after stepping into that machine," Rainbow explained. "That we won't always come out the same way together."

"When did she ever say that?" Rarity asked.

"It was back after we first started these adventures," Rainbow answered. "She said something about 'space-time continuum' this and 'multiple portals' that and all kinds of egghead mumbo jumbo."

"Surely they can't be far," Celestia assured.

Fluttershy, who had hidden herself in her mane beside Princess Celestia the whole time, finally looked out from behind her mane toward her friends.

"Guys..." She spoke meekly.

The others turn toward her, as Princess Celestia knelt to her level.

"What is it Fluttershy?" She asked sweetly.

"H-H-Have y-you s-s-seen where we are?" She shook.

The group once more looks around the room, this time taking in the many mysterious rarities within the room. There was a giant wooden idol depicting some monstrous beast, a menacing looking suit of armor, and shelves upon shelves of other weird trinkets. This was certainly one of the strangest places they have ever seen. Rainbow Dash wasn't paying attention to where she was going, as she floated about the room and bonked into something.

"Ow!" She groaned, rubbing her head.

"Are you alright Rainbow darling?" Rarity called.

"Yeah I'm cool. Just hit my head on this—WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

Her shout was brought on the moment she turned her head towards what she bumped into and came face-to-face with the scariest looking doll she had ever seen. Her cry of fright drew the attention of the rest of the group, who all stared wide-eyed at the doll as well. It was a very old wooden doll wearing a white dress. It's red hair was done up in braids, and it had the creepiest looking smile on its face. The doll was kept in a giant glass case with a sign that read, 'Positively Do Not Open'. Princess Celestia stepped ahead of the group, leaning slowly for a closer look at the doll.


The entire group all nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard the loud crash. They all slowly turn their heads toward the direction the sound came from.

"W-W-What w-w-was t-t-that?" Rarity quaked.

"I'm not sure," Celestia said. "But we must find out."

Slowly they walk toward one of the large shelves. All was absolutely silent in the room, so quiet they could hear their own heartbeats. They slowly peek behind the corner of the shelf... spotting a little girl hiding in the corner.

The girl appears to be perhaps ten years old with dark hair going just below her shoulders. She was bunched up into a ball with her little hands covering her eyes.

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