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The very next day, the Warrens, the ponies, and little Spike drove back to the Perron estate with the brand-new knowledge they now possessed. Now fully convinced the spirit of Bathsheba Sherman was terrorizing the property for the curse she cast upon the land still remained. Now Ed and Lorraine spoke with Twilight and Celestia the possibility of breaking the curse, but they ultimately knew that would only cause more problems than solve. First and foremost, they had to return to the farmhouse and gather as much evidence as possible to hand over to the church in order to exorcise the house. The idea itself would not be as easy as it sounded.

Ed and Lorraine parked their car into the Perron house lost, as they and the ponies climbed out. Coming up from behind them was the Warren's assistant, Drew, who would be helping them throughout the entire process. Drew had been informed that the ponies would accompany them in this investigation, which he was alright with. He'd only ever met them on two occasions, the first of which he passed out from shock, but he quickly grew to like them. Drew pulled up right behind the group before stepping out from his car.

"Hey Drew," Twilight called out.

"What's going on Twi?" He asked kindly.

The man walked up toward the ponies and Spike, either shaking their hooves or have a few fist/hoof bumps. Afterwards, he turns toward the farmhouse and he immediately shook his head with an uneasy feeling.

"So this is the bewitched farmhouse huh?" He asked.

The girls and Spike stood beside him, nodding as they looked toward the menacing house.

"Yeah it is," Twilight answered.

"So some of you really had experiences in this house?"

"Got that right sugarcube," Applejack nodded.

"I felt something go down my back the first night," Twilight explained. "Only there was no one in the room with me."

"And then something spoke to me," Sunset added. "It tried to attack me in the upstairs closet."

"The worst of it was when Twilight here was attacked by the spooky ghost thingy," Pinkie mentioned. "Almost broke her back."

They all motioned their heads toward Twilight, who still had immense difficulty walking on her own. Sure she could support some of her weight, but her back still caused an increased amount of pain.

"Aren't you guys magic?" Drew asked. "Can't you just fix her with a healing spell or something?"

"I wish it were that simple dear," Celestia said, approaching the group. "Healing magic is rather tricky even for the most advanced practitioners of magic in our world. I've seen ponies try to apply healing spells before, so far they have been... unsuccessful."

"We're hoping when we get home to Equestria we can heal her properly," Spike spoke up.

Drew nodded in understanding before the group proceed back to the cars to unload the equipment. Minutes later, another car pulls up, this time a police vehicle.

"Oh, here's Brad," Lorraine said.

Officer Brad pulled the patrol car behind the other cars before stepping out. A lean man wearing brown khaki pants and a dark leather jacket. He approached the entire group, meeting up with Ed.

"You find it okay?" Ed asked him.

"Oh, yeah," Brad nodded.

Ed motioned for the rest of the group over to meet with the man.

"Drew, girls, this is Officer Brad."

Brad approached Drew and the girls, shaking hands with the man first. He turned toward the group of ponies and the little baby dragon. He had an intense look in his eyes, which made a few of them turn away nervously. Pinkie, meanwhile, just smiled brightly with a light wave of her hoof. Brad just shook his head before turning back toward Drew.

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