History of Annabelle

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While Twilight and her friends dealt with the growing mayhem at the Perrons' farmhouse, another group of ponies faced their own dilemma at the Warren estate. Celestia currently sat on her haunches in the Warrens' backyard, her eyes closed in deep concentration. Currently, she was trying to use the power of her mind in hopes to reach out and contact Twilight. But for some reason, she wasn't able to trace Twilight's consciousness. As though something was blocking Celestia's connection to her pupil. She didn't quite know what it could possibly be, but she knew she didn't like it.

"U-U-Um P-Princess..."

Celestia's eyes quickly snapped open, as she turned over toward Fluttershy hiding behind her mane. Her face poked out from her long pink locks, as the poor yellow Pegasus looked meek and frightened in Celestia's presence. But being the kind, motherly figure she was, Celestia gave a soft smile and wrapped her giant wing over Fluttershy.

"Yes dear Fluttershy?" She asked sweetly.

"B-Being here scares me so much," Fluttershy squeaked.

Celestia nodded in agreement, using her wing to comfortably stroke along Fluttershy's back.

"I must agree with you Fluttershy," Celestia nodded. "This entire situation frightens me to no end. I cannot seem to reach out to either Twilight or Sunset. There is no telling exactly where they are."

"D-Do you think we'll ever find them?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Of course we will darling."

Both Celestia and Fluttershy turn just as Rarity and Rainbow Dash approached. The Unicorn and Pegasus reached up and hugged Fluttershy in an effort to calm her.

"Yeah Flutters," Rainbow reassured. "No matter how many times we get separated, we always come back to each other."

"We shall find the others and vanquish whatever foe stands in our way," Rarity added. "Just the way we always do."

Fluttershy was able to crack a small smile on her muzzle, snuggling against her friends and the Princess. They sat in the backyard snuggling for the longest time before Celestia felt another presence come from behind them. She turns head to look behind her and sure enough, little Judy walked toward them.

"Hello young Judy," Celestia greeted.

"Hi there!" Judy waved.

The rest of the girls stopped their cuddling and turned toward Judy with warm smiles.

"You know, we really must thank you Judy and your parents," Rarity spoke thankfully. "For allowing us to remain with you till we find our friends."

"If it weren't for you guys, we'd probably be sleeping in the street somewhere," Rainbow nodded.

Judy's cheeks blushed a light pink from all the praise she and her parents were given. But she quickly brushed it off.

"It really wasn't any trouble," Judy smiled. "If there is one thing my parents and I believe in, it is the kindness and compassion that God wishes all of us to bring onto others."

Celestia and the other ponies smiled, nodding in approval. Ever since they met the Warrens, they've been told many different religious ideals and beliefs all surrounding the God that they worshipped. What they loved most was the idea of undying kindness and love from a higher power of which was bestowed upon the people, even the sinners.

"So, where are your parents right now?" Celestia asked.

"Mom's inside knitting," Judy answered. "Dad is having an interview with some local reporter about their artifact room."

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