Demon Attack

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Back at the Warrens household, Celestia and her little group of ponies helped Lorraine and Judy tend to the chickens in the backyard. Celestia still had a hard time trying to pin an exact location on the whereabouts of the rest of the group. For some reason, she still could not make mental contact with either Twilight or Sunset. What was blocking her mental connection with both students, she didn't know 'what', 'how', or 'why'.

Celestia knew that in order to block their magical collection, the force blocking it has to be extremely powerful. The alicorn princesses' thoughts on the matter were quickly interrupted by the sounds of struggle. She turns to the side, catching Rainbow Dash flying rather quickly as she chased a chicken running around like its head was cut off.

"Come on, would you get back here you little—"

The chicken squawked loudly, running straight towards the wooden fence of the pen and makes a quick turn...


Rainbow Dash crashes right into the fence. The cyan Pegasus slowly peels off the fence, plopping to the ground as tiny little chickens start running around her head.

"I happily accept your nomination as mayor of Donkey Town," She said dazedly.

Lorraine, Judy, and all the ponies burst out laughing over the silly remark the tomboyish Wonderbolt spoke. The Pegasus was so dazed, she didn't know she was currently on the Earth. They all laugh so hard, that they were surprised they hadn't passed out from lack of oxygen. Taking advantage of the funny situation, Rarity pulls out a top hat and sash from behind her and places them on Rainbow Dash.

"Well now darling, you can't very well take your position as mayor without the proper apparel," Rarity joked.

Even Fluttershy couldn't help the cute little giggles that escaped her muzzle.

"Maybe you can unite the donkeys and ponies of Equestria," Fluttershy giggled.

As the group continues to laugh, Lorraine noticed Ed walking by. Leaving the girls and Judy with the chickens, Lorraine walked up toward her husband.

"Where are you off to?" Lorraine asked suspiciously.

Ed stopped mid-stride, realizing he had just been caught by his wife. He slowly turns to face her, trying to put a smile on his face.

"Uh, I just gotta run to the store for a few things," He answered.

Knowing that was clearly a lie, Lorraine crossed her arms and looks at Ed with a knowing look.

"Why do you even try?" She asked.

"What? What do you mean?"

"In fifteen year,s have you ever been able to lie to me?" Lorraine asked seriously.

Ed finally sighs in defeat, knowing he really couldn't keep anything hidden from his wife. She was exactly right: Why did he even bother trying?

"Father Gordon called," Ed admitted. "He's got a case he wants us to look into. I said I'd go check it out myself."

Lorraine opened the gate of the chicken coop, about to head back into the house to get ready to go. But Ed steps into her path.

"Lorraine, myself!" Ed said firmly.

"I'm going with you," Lorraine responded determined.

Ed turns and starts walking towards the car as Lorraine follows him. Celestia turns and sees them walking away, worried as she can sense the distress within the two.

"I know you're worried it's gonnna happen again."

"Yeah, I am. I really am. Maybe it's ust time we take a break, write that book."

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