Paranormal Pandemonim

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Twilight, Celestia, and all the other ponies, Spike included, nervously paced the floor along the Warrens' home, just outside Ed and Lorraine's room with great concern and fear. After discovering Rarity in the state she was after Bathsheba's attack, Ed and Lorraine immediately rushed her away from the house and back to theirs. Thankfully, they had a Doctor friend who knew how to keep a secret and now he was currently working hard to fix their friend. Ed and Lorraine anxiously waited for the final synopsis as well.

"It's all my fault," Lorraine sighed sadly. "If only I had gotten to her in time, she might be alright."

Ed shook his head, as he pulled his wife into a comforting hug trying to ease her.

"No hon, it's my fault," Ed said. "I knew this wasn't going to end well, but I allowed them to go along anyway."

"We had to help them," Lorraine countered.

"I know, but we shouldn't have gotten them involved," He said, gesturing to the ponies.

Just then, the door to the room opened, as the Doctor emerged with his equipment bag. Everyone immediately started bombarding him with questions.

"How is she?" Twilight asked.

"Will she be okay?" Sunset added.

"What happened?" Applejack questioned.

Celestia encase all the ponies, even Spike, in her magic aura and pulled them away from the doctor. She sets them gently down beside her.

"Give the doctor some room," She scolded.

The doctor gave a small nod of thanks, as he approached them with the results.

"I've run every test known to man to determine the cause of all this, but for the life of me I can't seem to find one. Now granted, I'm neither a veterinarian nor know much about pony anatomy, but I will tell you this. With the internal injuries she's sustained, it's a miracle she's even alive right now."

Every pony and Spike were all somewhat relieved to hear she was alive, but also mainly concerned because they didn't know exactly what state she was in.

"What sort of state is she in?" Celestia asked.

"Currently, she's in a comatose sate at the moment. Not quite sure when or even if she will ever wake up from it. I have her hooked to an IV in order to keep her nourished for now and a heart monitor to keep an eye on her pulse. All we can do now is hope and pray."

Hearing the news from the doctor felt like receiving a hard punch right in the center of the chest and having a broken chest cavity. It destroyed the two princesses, the little baby dragon, and all the other ponies hearing their friend was in such a horrible state. Fluttershy and Pinkie both collapsed upon the floor sobbing, Rainbow and Applejack held each other close trying their best not to cry, and Twilight and Sunset nuzzled up beside Celestia. As the doctor made his way out the house, one by one they slowly entered the room.

There Rarity laid upon the bed, looking almost completely devoid of life. Her chest rose and fell ever so softly showing that enough though it was labored, she was still breathing. Hooked to her forelegs was an IV bag that kept the essential fluids flowing through her body and a heart monitor that beeped loudly. She just looked so broken. Every pony approached her by the bedside, tears in their eyes as Twilight reached out and held her hoof.

"I'm sorry Rarity," She sobbed. "I'm so... so sorry..."

Every pony walked toward her side, hugging their friend tightly as they cried. Celestia approached the other side of the bed, gently leaning in and kissed Rarity along the forehead just above the horn.

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