Things That Go Bump

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Back at the Perron farmhouse, things were not as cheery and happy as Carolyn and Roger hoped the new house would be. Night had fallen once more over the old house and the newly placed grave marker with a dog's collar placed over it.

After the tragic death of the family's dog, Sadie, the family had taken her to a veterinarian to determine the cause of death. The doctor ran all the tests he could at the time but could not for the life of him figure out the case of Sadie's death. It was as if she were alive one second, then dead cold with no explanation. It broke the family's hearts immensely and Roger had quickly dug a grave for the poor animal overlooking the lake.

Little did they know that this was only the beginning of their bad luck...


Night currently fell over the old house, as the entire family and their pony friends slept. Sunset and Applejack currently laid upon a few blankets on the ground of Christine and Nancy's room. Both sound asleep, A.J.'s snoring grew quite loudly to the point Sunset conjured some earplugs for her and the girls just so they can sleep.

As they slept, they didn't notice that the clock in the room stopped at 3:07 am, exactly as all the clocks in the entire house. It was then Christine could feel something tugging at her foot. She tried to swat it away, but it persisted.

"Not funny, Nancy," She said tiredly.

"What?" Nancy groaned.

"Stop grabbing my foot!"

"Shut up! I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, right."

Christine laid back in bed, trying to go back to sleep. But a rancid, horrible smell penetrates her nostrils.

"Ew and stop farting! It really stinks."

"Don't blame that on me, it's you."

The girls tried their best to ignore the smell in the room, slowly drifting back to sleep. Sunset and A.J. slept soundly upon the ground, undisturbed by their conversation. It wasn't until a few moments later when Sunset starts to shake and squirm in her sleep. She looks as though she was trying to fight something off of her. What could she possibly be dreaming about?


Sunset Shimmer walks slowly and quietly through the farmhouse. Not a single person or pony is there at all, as though the entire property was abandoned. Her green eyes practically bug out of her head, as they shift around rapidly trying to find any form of life. No matter where she looked, no matter how hard she tried, no one was there. It is eerily quiet to the point a pin could have been heard falling on the floor.

Just then, the door to the basement slowly creaks until it was fully open. Sunset stares toward the now open doorway in absolute horror. There was absolutely no one in the house, so there was no reason the door should be open. Despite how scared Sunset clearly was, her body motions on her own accord into the basement. Slowly descending the creaky wooden stairs until she stands upon the midst of the basement.

But something is clearly different about this basement; there was no longer a huge mess of clutter in the basement. Instead, there appears to be baby cribs lined along the basement walls. Not only that but there are also vials stacked upon the shelves of an old bookcase, alongside a number of ancient books.

Sunset couldn't seem to form any words despite how hard she tries. So many questions swept through her mind and she finds herself unable to clearly comprehend them due to her fear. Just then, footsteps echo as a figure comes down the stairs. She quickly makes a break for the basement corner to stay hidden. From her position, she spies a woman walking down the stairs. Fairly skinny, pale with long dark hair, wearing a flowing white nightgown that went past her ankles, the woman enters the basement.

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