Hide and Clap

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It was late that very evening following Twilight and her friends meeting with the Perrons, who were gracious enough to permit them to stay. Until they are able to find the rest of their friends, this group of ponies would have to rough it out a bit. In return for their hospitality, the girls, along with Spike, helped the Perrons with their move. By late evening, they decide to celebrate over pizza.

Of course, Twilight and the others would only eat the pizza provided there was no meat at all. A good thing for Spike, being the only non-pony, as he got to enjoy the meat lovers special. The sun had since set over the horizon, the sky pitch black over the farmhouse. The air was still and silent, not a single sound to be heard outside. The only noise came from inside the house, as the Perron sisters approached Twilight and the others with huge smiles.

"Wanna play 'Hide and Clap' with us?" Cindy asked.

"'Hide and Clap'?" Twilight asked curiously.

Pinkie's eyes widened and a gasp escaped her lips. She was so excited, she bounced around the room like a rubber ball much to the amusement of the sisters.

"I love Hide and Clap!" Pinkie said excitedly. "It's basically Hide and Seek except you have to be blindfolded and the ones hiding clap a few times for hints to where they are. I played it one time with Derpy back home, but she kept bumping into everything and I felt so bad—"

Applejack ended her long rant with a single apple she pulled out from beneath her Stetson hat and shoved it in Pinkie's mouth. Pinkie just munched the apple happily, giving a tiny belch when she finished.

"Yummy!" She exclaimed,

The ponies and Spike laugh at their kooky friend's antics, while the Perron sisters couldn't help but laugh too.

"Alright y'all," Applejack agreed. "We'll play fer a bit."

"Sounds like fun to me!" Spike nodded.

"Aw hay, I'm game," Sunset added.

They all turn to Twilight for her response. The lavender princess just grinned and nodded her head.

"So, who's going to do the seeking first?" Twilight asked.

"Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!" Pinkie raised her hoof excitedly. "Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!"

"Sorry Pinkie," April told the pink pony. "But we all agreed Christine will go first."

"Aww!!!" Pinkie pouted.

Nancy and Cindy put the blindfold over Christine's eyes, spinning her around a few times while the ponies and Spike searched for places to hide. After a moment, Cindy and April joined them in finding a hiding spot while Christine began to count.

"One, two, three..."

"No peeking!" Nancy called out.


While the girls sought a place to hide, they unintentionally ran into their father.

"Are you guys don with the pizza?" Roger asked.

The girls quickly nod and run off as Christine got to 'five'.

"I don't want it to go to waste!" Roger called after them.

He shook his head, smiling after his girls. At least they were having fun playing with their new friends.

"It's expensive feeding you girls."

Before long, everyone found a pretty good place to hide. Pinkie hid herself in the chimney, trying to keep from sneezing despite all the soot and dust. Sunset hid in one of the closets on the second floor next to Christine and Nancy's room. Applejack hid in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink, which is where she usually hid back when she and Apple Bloom played hide and seek back home. Spike ran into Nancy and they both decide to hide in the downstairs closet. Twilight decided to hide behind the cabinet in the living just when Christine finished counting.

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