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Back at the Warren estate, another day had come and gone with no success for Celestia. She stares out the window of the Warrens' living room, her eyes toward the wooded area surrounding the estate. All this time Celestia spent trying to find the rest of the group, she can only wonder where Twilight and her friends are. In all honesty, Celestia herself began to wonder if they would ever be found at all. At the very least, it shouldn't be hard to reach out to them or at the very least pinpoint their whereabouts.

But the more time passed, the more Celestia's confidence in finding the others dwindle. The sound of hooves across the floor drew the sun monarch away from the window as Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash walk alongside her. She offers a tiny smile before turning her gaze back out the window.

"How's it hanging princess?" Rianbow asked.

"Oh honestly Rainbow," Rarity scolded. "You could at least 'try' to act in a better manner than that!"

Rainbow shoots a glare toward Rarity, who in turn glares back.

"Can you for once not feel the need to criticize everything I say?" Rainbow spat.

"I would if every now-and-then you actually say something sensible!" Rarity argued.

By this point, Fluttershy steps between the bickering ponies and extends her wings to separate them.

"Oh please stop fighting!" She begged. "My nerves are already shot worrying about the others!"

As Rarity and Rainbow turn toward Fluttershy, they can see tears welling in her eyes and her lips trembling in sadness. The two calm themselves almost instantaneously, clearly seeing how the situation is affecting their friend. They approach Fluttershy, pulling her in for a hug.

"Shh... there, there Fluttershy," Rarity said soothingly.

"Yeah, we're sorry," Rainbow apologized.

Eventually, Fluttershy calms just enough to smile once more as all three mares hug it out. They sit alongside the Princess, looking toward her expressionless gaze with great concern.

"Did I ever tell you all the time Luna and I got separated in the Everfree Forest?" Celestia asked, out of the blue. "When we were both fillies?"

The three ponies turn to each other, confused over the fact Celestia brought up such a random memory.

"Uh no..." Rarity responded. "I can't say you have, Princess."

Celestia closes her eyes, for a moment or two, before taking a deep breath.

"It was a long time ago, after Equestria was first founded. At that time, Princess Platinum waged a long, dangerous war against the Griffin king and his armies. My mother took me and Luna into the Everfree, hoping to keep us both safe. Of course, it wasn't long until the Griffins discovered us, and our family were on the run for our lives. My mother and I managed to get out of the forest... but Luna..."

Celestia found herself choking her words, fresh tears roll down her muzzle. She quickly wipes them away with her hooves.

"My father ordered a massive search party in the forest, hoping to find Luna," Celestia continued. "But they never found her, and for two long weeks my parents mourned and grieved for her loss. I too nearly gave up hope until I felt something in my soul."

Celestia places a hoof tenderly against her chest, right over her heart. A small smile forms upon her face, as more tears spill.

"Both my magical and blood connection with Luna never died, giving me all the hope I needed to know she was still alive. So... I decided to take matters in my own hooves and went back into the forest to find her myself. I combed every square inch of that forest, from dusk to dawn. Just as I was about to give up, I could faintly hear a small whimper following it toward a hollow tree stump... and there I found her. So cold, so hungry, that if I hadn't found her sooner... she would have died."

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