Exorcism of Carolyn Perron

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Ed, Lorraine, and the ponies are all now in the car speeding quickly back to the Perron house. After the ordeal Judy and Fluttershy went through, they knew they had to end this horrible nightmare now. Now with the knowledge that Carolyn, under possession by Bathsheba, has taken Christine and April back to the house to potential kill them, they needed to hurry. Soon enough, the pulled into the driveway of the Perron House with Officer Brad pulling right behind them. They immediately jumped out of the car, rushing toward the house as Ed tried to open the door but couldn't.

"It's locked," He said struggling.

Lorraine goes around knocking on a few windows trying to reach anyone on the inside.

"Carolyn!" She yelled.

"Roger!" Ed yelled, as he tried to pry open the door.

"Ed, stand back!" Twilight shouted.

Ed quickly stepped to the side as Twilight's horn started to glow brightly. She then shot a huge blast of magic at the door, only to have it bounce off and start heading back at them.

"Hit the deck!" Rainbow yelled.

Every pony and Spike fell to the ground, as the magic beam soared over their heads and impacted the huge tree down by the lake. Looking back, they noticed the magic created a giant hole right through the middle of the tree.

"Okay, that was too close," Pinkie pointed out.

Every pony else nodded in agreement, as they quickly got up.

"Bathsheba must be keeping it locked with dark magic," Twilight concluded.

Officer Brad rushed back to his car, pulling out a shotgun before rushing back towards the door.

"Get out of the way!" He yelled.

Everyone leapt out of the way, as Brad aimed at the door and shot the handle right off. The door swung open and they proceed to run inside where they could all hear screaming.

"Roger!" Ed yelled.

"Carolyn!" Celestia cried out.

"The screaming is coming from the cellar!" Rarity said urgently.

Everyone quickly raced down the cellar steps, where they saw Roger trying to pry a screaming Carolyn off of Christine.

"Carolyn, don't!" Roger yelled.

Christine was screaming bloody murder, as her possessed mother tried to stab her with a sharp pair of scissors. Ed, Lorraine, Celestia, and Twilight ran forward and tried their best to pull Carolyn off. Finally, they were able to free Christine and knock the scissors out of Carolyn's hand.

"We have to get her to the car!" Ed said.

"And bring her where?" Roger asked.

"To take her to the priest for the exorcism!"

"Will the Vatican even approve it?" Celestia asked.

"They will!"

The whole group joined together trying to drag the screaming, struggling possessed Carolyn out of the cellar. As they dragged her out, Roger noticed something.

"Wait! Where's April?"

The thought hadn't even occurred to anyone in the group seeing as they were far too focused at making sure Christine wasn't killed.

"I never saw her downstairs," Twilight replied.

"Me neither," Celestia added.

"Neither did any of us," Applejack spoke up.

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