Truth Or Dare?

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Tony was hosting yet another Stark party. He had invited mainly S.H.I.E.L.D agents, and of course, his teammates. You see, Tony Stark parties were unlike another, according to Tony they were 'the absolute best'.

However, to the other Avengers, they were a living nightmare because Tony would always get people drunk so they'd play his stupid games. But for some reason, they still came to every party.

Thor always came down from Asgard and Clint came from his farm. Natasha and the others had no choice, since they all live with Tony.

Once everyone arrived and had visited the bar several times. Tony assembled his team deciding it was game time.

"Guys get in a circle, we're going to play truth or dare!" Tony declared, earning groans in response.

They all complied, albeit begrudgingly. It went: Tony, Peter, Natatsha, Bucky, Wanda, Thor, Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Clint, Maria and finally Bruce.

"I'll go first, Kid Truth or Dare?"

"Dare "

"Alright underoos, i'll go easy on you. Sit on the ceiling for the rest of the game "

Peter jumped up and sat crossed legged on the ceiling.

"But won't Pete get a head rush? "Steve asked concerned.

Peter shook his head "No don't worry. My DNA is half spider, and spiders can stay upside down for ages." he explained "Anyway it's my turn now so... Sam, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, What's a 15 year old gonna do?"

Peter glared at Sam. "1, I'm 17 and you know that. 2, I can dare you to take a bite of the ginger root we have in the kitchen."

Sam's smirk faded replaced with a look of regret while Tony grinned. "I should probably have warned you about messing with the kid. He learnt from the best, me and Nat."

A look of disgust remained on Sam's face after completing his dare. "So. Banner, Truth or Dare?"

"Ugh I guess truth"

"So tell us, who have you been staring at this whole time? "

"I-I um was Looking at... um... Natasha because I may like her."

Natasha's smirk fell "I'm so sorry Bruce but someone else has caught my eye." Everyone looked at her.

"Who?!?" Thor questioned.

"Hey it's not my turn."

"Bruce, your turn." Rhodey commented

"Natasha, Truth or Dare"

"You guys are going to keep asking until I tell you aren't you?"
They all nodded. "Fine, Truth then."

"Natasha, who do you like?" Bruce asked bluntly

"Well... Steve but I don't just like him."

Steve blushed and then grinned. "Well what might happen if I said I "don't just like" you back?" The soldier replied, getting more confident.

Natasha got up and walked up to him and connected their lips in a small sweet kiss. "That answer your question Rogers?" She smirked.

"Certainly did ma'am."

Awws filled the room (Apart from Bruce's).


"Sorry to break the moment, but we are still here and waiting to play." Clint reminded them

Nat rolled her eyes and sat back down, whilst Steve blushed.

"My turn Maria, Truth or Dare?" Nat said.


After a couple more rounds the game ended. And for once, (most of) the Avengers liked it.

Mini Bids ❀
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