𝚃𝚘𝚗𝚢 𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚔!:𝚙𝚎𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚢 𓆦

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It was a usal  Sunday evening everybody was in bed apart from Tony Stark.

Tony was in his lab working on a new suit. "Tony honey come to bed it's two O'clock already." She told him hugging him from behind. "I'm almost done" He said, pepper sighed and turned him around. Tony looked at her and gave her a bashful smile

"In a minute, please"  he practically begged.

Pepper frowned and looked at him with a serious face. "Tony Anthony Stark you said that 5 hours ago! Come to bed now!" she took the spanner out of his hand.

His smile faded and he knew he to do what his wife told him afterall his wife was the one who could override his lab and make it so Tony couldn't get in. He honestly doesn't know why he made that protacal. Maybe it's because of the way she stares him down when she knows he knows he shouldn't be doing whatever he's doing.


It was now early morning and the Avengers were having breakfast. Peacefully having conversations, it was all how it normally should be, until a certain stark came walking into the crystal clear glass doors, shattering the whole thing.

All the Avengers were startled and looked over to see Tony walking over the glass and making his way to the coffee machine. The team was stunned and confused at what they just witnessed.How could he just walk over like it was nothing?

"TONY WHAT THE HECK!" Clint shouted. Tony swivled to face the spy. A coffee in his oiled stained hands. "mmh.. Coffee"He said, smelling it before bringing it up to his mouth.The Avengers now had mixed emotions, mainly concern. "Friday how much sleep has Tony had in the last week?" Natasha asked escorting Tony to the nearest seat, making sure he got their safely.

"Boss has had 20 hours of sleep in the past week and is currently having sleep deprivation Mrs Rogers" The AI informed them.

Natashas eyes widened as did the rest in the room. Bruse quickly walked over to Tony and took the coffee away and poured it down the sink.

"Hey that's miiiiii.. "Tony passed out due to lack of sleep. Steve shook his head.

"Ugh Tony and his sleep" Rhodey mumbled. "He's been like that since collage"

Thor looked down at Tony whowas slouched against his legs. He decided to find Pepper.

"I'm going to find Mrs Stark and see if she can get him to properly sleep in his bed." Thor whispered (For once in his life 😂)

After 10 minutes of Thor getting lost in the tower, with a  sleep deprived billionaire on his shoulders, he gave up and asked the weird woman in the walls for direction. "Go up one floor and two doors to the left, Mrs Stark is in her office"

One he made his way to the office
He knocked on the door quietly and  walked in to face a not suprised Pepper.

She sighed "Thank you for carrying Tony up here Thor, you can lay him on the sofa  "she gave him a small smile as he left.

Pepper put a blanket on her husband and kissed his forhead. He opened his eyes and pulled Pepper towards himself.
"Stay please, pep "he pleaded.

She have a small smile" What am I to do with you?"

"I don't know what to do with myself' pep." He tiredly chuckles "Like I said, you're in a relationship with me everything's never gonna   be okay"

sorry it's small and we've been away for so long. xd 😅hope you like it anyway bye. x
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