Tony's Kid

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Peter had gone with Tony to one of his conferences. Not that Tony would ever admit to it, but he was incredibly happy that Peter had agreed. It might make it less boring, he had thought. He had been right, just, not in the way he had thought.

Peter hadn't expected there to be so many reporters, and it hadn't even occurred to him that they'd want to speak to him. Luckily, he had Tony who led him to the meeting room with ease.

The meeting went by slowly to Tony, although he did enjoy watching the pure delight on Peter's face as he took it all in. The kid had even brought a notepad and was taking notes everytime some one so much as coughed. Tony shook his head, he couldn't understand how anyone could bear these, let alone enjoy it. Tony was glad when it finished.

"Kid, I'm just going to go sign... Whatever it was they asked me to."

"A privacy waiver, Mr Stark." Peter replied eagerly.

"Yeah, yeah, that. Wait here for me."

Tony walked off, and Peter stood, shuffling his feet and humming to himself. He noticed a reporter coming up to him. He smiled politely. The reporter seemed young, and rather nervous.

"Hi, can I ask you a couple of questions?" She said.

Peter nodded and patiently answered as best he could. He could really only answer two of the questions with certainty. This was fine. He could handle this. The problem was, he could see more reporters. They had been at the end of the corridor, waiting for Tony to come through, and had noticed the boy being interviewed.

As they all asked questions, jostling with each other to get closer to Peter, Peter started to panic. He closed his eyes, trying to breathe and block out the voices in vain.

Things started going black, he put his hands over his ears. It's too loud. It hurt him. All too soon, he lost consciousness.

He woke up to find himself sprawled on the Avengers sofa. All the Avengers looking down at him.

"Kid. You're awake. Thank goodness." Tony panicked. "Uhh... I mean, I guess it's good cuz you can help me with my work. You know what, I don't care. You really worried me underoos."

"I'm glad your here Dad. Thanks for getting me out of there." Peter said not realising what he'd said.

The Avengers grinned at this, teasing Tony and awwed at Peter's adorableness. Tony didn't even acknowledge they were there.

"Did you just call me Dad?"

Peter blushed. "I did? I didn't mean to, I'm sorry Mr Stark!"

"It's Dad. And you're welcome. Son."

Needless to say, the Avengers didn't shut up about this for a month.

Hey guys, this is quite short, but I will be doing a lot of irondad oneshots because they are so sweet. And to make up for how short it is I added a video of Tony being Peter's dad, and Peter being in awe of him 😂😂. Mini Bids and I are Romanogers fans 100%, so I'm warning you there will be loads of them. I'm open to other ships if you suggest them! Check out the beginning of my new story "I choose...". It's a Girl Meets World story, with Joshaya and Lucaya. It's up to you guys which one is Endgame (sidenote: I like to pretend Endgame never happened). I'm also making a Lucaya story "Perfectly Imperfect". Hope you enjoy your day,

And for gosh sakes,

Watch your language!

Bids Xx

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