The end of the horde

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Humming to herself lightly as she walked down the hall, Adora surveyed the walls of Bright moon high. Painted a pastel blue with occasional beams of white the whole place was quite pretty, minimal damage to the building and lack of trash added to its cheery nature. There where flyers everywhere you looked, encouraging you to, sign up for football, join the dance squad, support the cheer team, the halls where a consistent mass of morale and aggressive positivity.
Which, as you could imagine would be quite a shock to someone from another school, a school more like Horde College, although they were a very athletic school, their reputation for cleanliness and non-criminal activity left something to be desired.
Turning the corner she quickly spotted her purple haired friend. Waving at Glimmer, she made her way towards her. Glimmer might be her co-captain, but the girls couldn't be any more different, with about a foot between they and opposites coloured hair they made for quite a visual duo.

"Hey Adora," Glimmer greeted, placing her phone into the back pocket of her loose fitting blue jeans. "Bow just arrived, I'm so excited for practice tonight, I saw a pyramid set up online that we have to try." Grinning at her excited friend, she manoeuvred them towards her locker.

"There's also a new tumbling pass I saw that I think Mermista would be killer at. I also came up with a few song ideas, that is assuming we're still deciding."
Nodding silently at her friend Adora thought briefly of her old team, their tumbler had been just as good as Mermista and Netossa, maybe even better. Catra, she let out a nearly inaudible sigh thinking about her ex-best friend. She was the reason Horde college had won last year, Adora had to think bigger, better, be one step ahead.
"Adora!" Snapping our of her daze, she greeted Bow as he approached. The trio shuffled their way to English, all preparing for another day of school before they could cheer again.


"Adora said that tonight was a full workout night." Swift-wind shot across the table, asserting herself back into the conversation Adora corrected him.
"Actually Swifty, thats next week, I couldn't bare to do an all workout session when our routine still looks like a mess." As the rest of their team nodded in agreement, Netossa and Spinerella joined their lunch table, late as usual due to being in the year above the rest of the team.
"Guys, big news." Spinerella started, looking equally concerned and enthusiastic.
"Can I tell them?" Netossa butted in, giving Spinerella the puppy dog eyes. Netossa took her groan of annoyance as a yes, and began telling the rest of them the story.
"So last week, Thursday after school, the principal of Horde college was arrested."
Collective gasps circled around the table as Perfuma came back from collecting her lunch.
"And that's not all," Netossa exclaimed, dramatically putting up stop signs with her hands. "The reason? Apparently Horse college was found to be an unregistered educational facility."
They all blinked at her, confusion evident.
"Horde college was shut down!" She shouted, waving her hands frantically.

Adora continued to stare at Netossa, the knowledge that her old school had been shut hitting her harder than she expected it would.
Where would they all go?
What would happen to her old teammates?
Would they end up at Prime?
She hoped not, Prime college was worse than Horde College, with an even better cheer team, or so she had heard.

Glimmer was the first to ask a question.
"What do you mean they've been shut down? That's impossible, my mum would have tol-" the short girl was cut of as her phone beeped, looking at it, her eyes seemed to bulge out of their sockets.
Looking at Adora, her voice dropped to a near whisper. "She's right, Horde College has been permanently shut."

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