A secret... or two

393 17 15

TW for this chapter⚠️ abuse/panic attack symptoms

"Now Angella, Catra is co-captain correct?" The voice of her old coached ricocheted off the walls as Adora skidded to a halt just outside of Angella's office.
Pressing herself tightly against the door she listened in, limiting her breathing to near silent, a skill acquired thanks to the spectacular hearing of her past foster mum and her adoration of long, deep sleeps.

"Yes." Angellas voice seemed to float lightly through the air, breathlessl and soft.

"And Adora?"

"You, Miss Weaver, do not get to ask questions of Adora, now get out of my office." The hushed threat sliced through the air and had Adora diving for the nearest supply closet in hopes of an escape. Shutting the door in time as stiletto like heels clicked angrily past. Shadow weaver was talking to Angella.

Shadow weaver was here.

Shadow weaver.

The same shadow weaver who had yelled at catra for losing Adora, the same shadow weaver that didn't like people in her office, the same shadow weaver that had Adora front and centre since day one, the same shadow weaver thats nails could leave scars if pressed even slightly too hard.

Rubbing her arm Adora took deep breaths, the pounding in her head spreading throughout her fingers and legs, ringing began in her ears as pressure built. Flicking her fingers against one another still didn't subside the tension, neither did shaking them about frantically.

She began slapping at her legs and arms, anything to have the tension relieved and her brain functioning as normal.

Her mouth dried and her eyes began to water.

She wanted to scream into the silence as in consumed her, a gaping black hole that spanned across the world she lived in, swallowing her very being and extinguishing the flame that was the hope of escape.

Shoulders tensed and eyes wet she crashed into the empty hall, breathing heavy and limbs shivering despite the warmth in the passageway surrounded by cream walls.

Her breathing was laboured, raspy and dry.

The air squashed its way from her lungs.

Adora was drowning, drowning.

Until someone screamed at her, shaking her limbs violently.


The voice slammed its way past the ringing in her ears, the pressure from slim, small fingers allowing her to finally focus on the person in front of her.

The girl in front of her.

And as her vision cleared she realised the girl had mismatched eyes, unruly brown hair and a worried frown.


Her vision became fuzzy again, the last thing Adora felt was the shorter girls strong grip holding her up as she blacked out for the first time in years.

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