An unwanted reunion

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Trudging through the halls, Adora made her way towards the inevitable classes ahead. Slamming her locker in frustration after grabbing her books she jumped at seeing Glimmer in front of her locker.

"Glimmer, hi." Adora greeted, apologising quickly to the shorter girl.
"Eh it's fine." Glimmer said, shrugging off Adoras lame apology.
"I have something to show you."
Grabbing Adora by the hand Glimmer led her towards the gymnasium, where the rest of her team was congregating in a huddle at the doors.
"What-" Adora began.
"SHHH." Mermista whispered, indicating Adora to move closer. Pressing her face up against the doors, she look towards the cheer office.

There stood six students, all of whom where unfamiliar to Adora. Varying in height and complexity they seemed to have no relation to one another, besides the fact they were all talking to an excited coach Angella.

"Adora, who are they." Sea-hawk asked, latching on to the arm of a scoffing Mermista.
"I don't know." Adora responded, looking once again towards the office. None of the students in the gym seemed familiar, except maybe the shortest girl with frizzy hair, although even her identity was a mystery to Adora.
Looking towards her concerned teammates, her and Glimmer locked eyes, nodding to each other, they pushed open the doors to the gymnasium, Bow and the rest of the squad following close behind.

Angella smiled as she noticed them, waving them forwards, none of the students turned to look at the approaching team.

"Adora, id like you to meet our new students, this is the Hordes ex captain, she's-"

"Catra." Adora finished, fully taking in the short tanned girl with mismatched eyes.

"Hey Adora." Catra mused, her mouth pulling into a cat like grin. "It's so great to see you after all this time."

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