Not... gay enough?

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Slinking her way into her first period, late as always, Adora plonked herself into her usual seat, silencing grabbing her note book, a pen, and a calculator she began listening in to her advanced mathematics teacher.


Keeping her eyes on her work at the board, Adora ignored the voice in her head, mocking catra as it played with her emotions.
A sudden flick on her face had Adora spinning to look at the seat next to her. Mismatched eyes and a toothy smile seemed to taunt her as she locked gazes with a guilty looking catra.

"Do you have a spare eraser?" Catra asked, picking up her pencil from where she threw it at Adoras head.

Grumbling something about stupid people forgetting stupid school supplies at their stupid new school with their stupid cheer squad, she un-enthusiastically handed catra her eraser.

"Thanks," catra drawled, her eyes slowly drinking in Adoras short white skirt and her long, crossed legs that were stretched out in front of her. Adora quickly tucked them behind her chair, suddenly shy at the thought of her ex-friend looking at her exposed skin, at least, that's what Adora had imagined catra had been looking at, there's no way she was that desperate, or gay.

Clearly her throat quietly catra thanked her, slowly turning her head back to their professor, her eyes still lingering in Adoras hidden legs.

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