7. When destiny brings us together

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This chapter is dedicated to.. Srishtykr
and somi_1111.
Welcome to the family. ❤

And that's how I ended up wearing Sabina's wedding dress

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And that's how I ended up wearing Sabina's wedding dress.. I wipe a stray tear and look at myself in the mirror.

"Gorgeous" I hear Saby say as she pins the dupatta in place.
"I don't want to marry him." I say meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"You should have said that to dad."
"How can I.. he's so ill.." I say sobbing and pick up a tissue to wipe my tear, avoid smudging my eye make up.

So,Yeah as Cliché Indian as that sounds.. He wants to see his daughter get married, before he goes in for his surgery.


Ambar drove me to the hospital and I ran for the emergency ward, with him behind me.
"He has just been shifted to the Cardiology ward on first floor." The receptionist said and I made my way to the elevator.
"Samayra.. " Ambar followed me inside the elevator.
"What do you want ? Thank you for driving me." I said rudely unable to meet his gaze hiding my tears, but he just put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a one sided hug.
"He's a strong man. He's gonna be okay." He said as I sobbed on his uniform shirt.

The lift door opened and I was crying profusely, unable to form words. So, Ambar asked the ward boy for Mr. Jeet Gill and he pointed us to the room. I ran to the room and almost tripped on the sleek wet, mopped hospital floor, but Ambar caught my wrist.
He pulled me in and let me lean on his chest, crying and still shocked at my face not crashing on the hospital floor that he opened the door to the room.

"You two look so good, together" were the first words that my father said lying on the hospital bed.
Can you believe the guts of this man ?

"Shut up.." I said walking near, hugging him tight and finally break down crying in relief. He's fine. That's all I could pray for.
"You scared me" I said sobbing on his hospital gown.

"He scared all of us" I heard Mom say from the couch beside my dad's bed.
"What can I say, I like keeping you young folks on your toes. It's comforting to watch you worry about me every once in a while." He said and I slap his arm lightly.

"Ouch.. Is that how you behave infront of your future husband ?" He says and I frown at him.
"Dad.. Don't even get started." My tone and look were that of warning.
"What, you won't even fulfill my last wish on my death bed ?" He says trying to act serious. I turn my head to look at Mom sitting on the couch.

"Is he joking ? Tell me he is joking ?" I say and the tears well up all over again.
"Where are you going, son ? " Dad says and I turn to see Ambar leaving with the door open.
"Sir, I just wanted to make sure that she reaches here in one piece." He replies politely.

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