33. Karwachauth

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This chapter is dedicted to Dark_night002466
Your kind comments made me smile, on a very stressful day.
Thank you. ❤

I couldn't sleep with the thought of Samayra walking around and ready to strangle me with the pillow

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I couldn't sleep with the thought of Samayra walking around and ready to strangle me with the pillow. So, I just got off the bed and slid on my sweats before walking down the stairs.

"Good morning, Dad." I say as I pass him sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Good morning son. Up early?" he asks and I nod.

"I'll just head out for a run. I'll be back in half an hour if that's okay with you?" I ask.

Is that how Samayra feels living in her in-laws house? Having to ask permission and make sure they aren't offended by your slightest actions.

"Sure, Go and get some fresh oxygen. Take a right from the cross-section down the lane. There's a water canal you can run beside." He says.

"I'll sure check it out. See you." I say and walk out of the house, following the directions he gave me. There was indeed a water canal, that would have passed for a river if not for the bricked and tiled sides proving it to be man-made for the purpose of water-supply to the agriculture lands away from the natural sources.

There was a muddy path along the side of the flowing water with huge eucalyptus trees shielding it from the main road. The rushing water sent a cold breeze on my face. I jogged further lost in my thoughts as my body warmed up and I picked pace.

It's weird how life can change so much in so little time. I was the impatient playboy and here I am being the wiser one in the relationship.

Honestly, I wanted I.G Rohit to issue me a search warrant on my father-in-law's words. But knowing the reason they drifted apart, I'm not gonna tell him to talk to him again. I need a new way to tackle this. I can't risk getting a search warrant through the whole hierarchy as someone is an informant for the wrong side.

My phone rings distracting me from my thoughts. I reach in my pocket and pick it up.

"Bro, I'll be with you in less than 5 hours." Avinash says on the other side as I hear honking of cars from his background.

"Are you driving while putting the phone on your ear?" I ask breathing heavily as I had paused running and started brisk walking.

"I used Bluetooth. But Why are you panting? Oh ho.. Did I disturb you and Samayra in some morning action?" He says mischievously.

"Firstly, I'm just out for a morning run and secondly, I know the difference of sound with your car's Bluetooth." I argue wanting to prove him wrong and catch his lie like the detective I am.

Though I'm sure this detective instinct is what got me rejected from Samayra.

But this is Avinash and this is exactly how we've been for years.

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