Chapter Eleven

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-1 week later-

I don't think my dad was very happy with what happened yesterday.

"I told you to be safe! And what do you do? Nearly die!" He said as he poured whiskey into a cup.

"It's not my fault Ned was carrying some type of Chitauri crystal thing that was possibly excavated from the Ultron demolition site that nearly killed not only me, but 5 other people!" I said as my father frowned, sipping his drink as I looked at the news.

"Spider-Man and Iron Man have saved the lives of almost 100 people on a ferry yesterday, luckily, no one was injured-" My dad turned off the tv as I frowned.

"You work with Spider-Man?" I said as my dad sighed.

"Not anymore."


"What the hell am I going to do with you?" He said as I grinned.

"Let me go to homecoming tomorrow?" I said as I picked up my backpack, heading to the door.

"You don't even have a date!" He said, following after me. I walked backwards with a skip, shrugging.

"Then I'll get one!" I said, pulling out my phone as a joke. "Gosh I can't find Peter's number!" I said with an evil laugh as my dad choked on his whiskey.

"No! No. You are not going to homecoming with a boy!"

"Too late!" I said, making a mad dash for Happy's car as my dad yelled after me, a laugh escaping me.


I sat down in my chair as Peter walked in. Although he had averted half his face away from me, the frown on his face quickly turning into a smile crossing once he saw me.

"What was with the long face?" I said as he sat down.

"I got detention." I felt my mouth drop to the floor as I stared at him.

"Peter Parker. And detention? I never thought I'd hear those words in the same sentence." I said as Peter faintly smiled. "What for though? Did you start a food fight outside? Did you throw a ball at the teacher. Did you- holy shit Peter what happened to your face?!" I said as his eyes widened.

His eye was bruised, and his cheek had a bandaid over it. I stared at his injuries before my head snapped over to Flash, my concern growing into anger. I stood up, going to walk over to Flash before Peter grabbed my wrist.

" He didn't do any of this, Megan. I was um... I was jumped last night. I'm fine." I sat down quickly, leaning towards him.

"You we're jumped?! Why didn't you call me I could have taken you home-"

"I didn't want to worry you. I'm fine, really." I frowned as the bell rang, turning in my seat as Mr. Warren walked in.

"I detected a lie in Peter's sentence." Hax said. I frowned as Landon walked up, playfully punching me in the arm.

"Dude I thought you were going to die last week! Thank god Spider-Man was there to save you, right?!" Landon said as he sat in front of me.

I sighed, nodding. "Oooo did you get to kiss him? I bet he's a great kisser." I slapped Landon's shoulder as he laughed.

"Jesus Landon I've literally only said a single sentence to Spider-Man, calm down!" I heard Peter mumble something from behind, but I chose to ignore it.

"Honey. One sentence is all it takes to fall in love." Landon said as I rolled my eyes, shoving him away before leaning into his ear.

"Impossible to fall in truly love with someone when you've never seen their face." I said as Landon frowned, shrugging and walking to his seat.


I walke duo to the trophy case, smiling at the decathlon trophy thay was displayed front and center. I was alone in the hallway, so it was nice to have the silence.

I heard a door click, turning my head to see Peter holding a giant hall pass board. I snickered, pulling out my phone and taking a picture as he glared at me.

"Yes. Go ahead and take a picture. It will last longer." Peter said as he walked up to me. I laughed, putting my phone away. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Well. I just finished helping Liz with homecoming stuff." I said, crossing my arms as I leaned on one leg, looking up at Peter.

"Hey I Uh.. I wanted to um.. apologize for decathlon-"

"It's fine Peter, really. You don't have to apologize."

"But I should.. it wasn't cool for me to do that.. especially since you almost died." I smiled in a reassuring way.

"I almost died. But I didn't. I had one of the greatest super-hero's to save me, so it was worth the life or death situation." I said, both of us laughing.

"I Uh... I assume you already have a homecoming date...?" Peter said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. My eyes widened as I shook my head, clearing my throat.

"Actually um... no. I don't. I was hoping that this guy I liked would ask me..." I said, holding my hands behind my back.

"Oh.. you like someone?" He sounded kind of hurt as I nodded.

"And you have no idea how great he is. He's the smartest guys I've ever met, one of the cutest smiles on Earth. And definitely terrible at hiding how much he likes someone." I said, nudging Peter as realization hit him.

"Oh wait.. you. You like me?" I rolled my eyes, nodding.

"Honestly how could I not, Peter? You are the definition of perfect."

"I-I wouldn't say that-"

"Just shush and tell me what you want to ask me." I said, crossing my arms as Peter blushed, looking at the board in his hands.

"I- oh.. um.. do you, do you want to go to homecoming.. with me?" I smiled, nodding.

"I would love to." I said as Peter smiled, pointing behind me.

"I Uh.. was actually going this way. I'll see you later, Megan." I nodded, waving goodbye as Peter practically skipped away, a giant smile on both of our faces.

Oop- we boutta get to that part.
Why did peter getting trapped under all of that rubble honestly make me sob

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