Extra #3

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Alternate 'ending' where Ned finds out about Megan and accidentally tells a secret.

Megan started to ramble about why Peter had been acting weird, ultimately leading up to nearly exposing who her dad was, but Ned quickly caught the mistake.

"W-Wait a minute back up... your dad.. you said Tony Stark- oh my god!" Ned leaned in, whispering. "Is Tony Stark your dad?!" He said, a wide smile of excitement on his face.

"What!? N-no-"

"Oh my god he is! Tony Stark is your dad that's so dope!" Ned said, pounding his fist in the air. "This is way cooler than finding out Peter is actually Spider-" Ned's eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth. Megan gasped, her eyes widening as well.

"Peter is Spider-Man?!" Megan said in amazement.

"What? No. No he isn't." Ned said with a shake of his head as Megan crossed her arms, raising a brow. "Dammit." Ned mumbled as Megan stormed out of the janitors closet. "Megan Wait-!"

But it was too late. She quickly found her new friend, dragging him into the janitors closet with Ned.

"Oh hey guys! W-whats going on?" Peter said, looking between his two friends.

"You're spiderman?!" Megan whisper yelled as Peter gave Ned an angry look before he shook his head.

"What? No of course not. Why would I be spiderman? That would be cool but I'm not."

"Don't try and hide it, Ned spilled the damn beans all over the floor!" Megan said, waving her hands around.

"I'm not the only one who spilled the beans!" Ned said as Megan shot him a death glare, quickly shutting him up before she turned to Peter.

"Peter, you have been coming to school with nothing but bruises since I befriended you and you didn't even bother to tell me when I've been worried! I thought it was Flash doing that to you! Hell, I nearly beat him up because of it!" Megan rambled as Peter started to blush from embarrassment.

"Megan, I swear I'm fine-"

"YOU BLEW UP-" she caught herself, going back to a whisper yell. "You blew up Delmar's fucking Deli!" She said with a glare as Peter sighed, looking down.

Megan rubbed her eyes, groaning as she waved her hands again. "I need to go. I'm going to go talk to Felicity."

"Dagger?" Ned said, his cheeks tinting as a small smile spread on his face.

"No, Smoak. Yes, Felicity Dagger, Ned." She gave one more look to Peter, a definite look of hurt as she pushed passed them, walking out of the closet.

Peter snapped his attention to Ned, slapping him in the arm. "Dude! I was supposed to be the one to tell her I'm Spider-Man!" He grumbled as Ned shot his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry! It slipped out!"

"How could 'Peter is spider-Man' slip out?!"

"Well... You see um.." Bed sounded like he was desperately trying to hide something.

"What is it Ned?!"

"If I tell you then someone you know will kill me."

"Who on earth would kill you?"

"Megan and Tony Stark."

"Why would Tony Stark-" the realization hit Peter like a speeding train. (Hehe...)

"DUDE!" Peter yelled, most likely getting the attention of a few students outside.

"No no no- dammit Ned!" Ned said to himself as Peter's eyes widened in joy.

"That's why she rejected me! Because she's Tony Stark's daughter! Holy cow wow.. um. Do-do I tell her I know??" Peter said, his thoughts now racing.

"No dude! You have to let her tell you, and you also have to get Tony's permission to date her."

"Right.... Right.. I mean he knows me. He likes me. He'll let me be with her..... Right?" Ned shrugged.

"You are no help."

I want to thank all of you so much for being on this short journey and reading this book! "Without You" the second book of this trilogy will be published sometime this week or tonight, so stick around for that! I truly appreciate the time you guys took to read this book and my other Peter Parker fanfiction so much!

Feel free to check out the other stories that I am about to republish!

With literally all my love,
The Author <3

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