Villian!Todoroki x Reader

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      Black. Everything was black and it was cold. Your arms were tied behind you, struggling against the hold you were in. You had been this way for a couple hours and you started to get hungry, and dehydrated. You pulled against the ropes that tied your hands and feet together.

      You heard a door open and a couple footsteps approach you. Your breath hitched, feeling something warm against your back, your natural instinct was to move towards the warmth so you leaned back. Hearing a deep chuckle from behind you, you jerked forward.

      "Tsk Tsk Tsk, no no baby. We don't want to hurt that pretty little body of yours do we?" Someone whispered in your ear, you shivered. Yet you ignored the voice and continued to move, trying to break free.

     You heard a disappointed sigh, you felt hands at the back of your head. Soon enough you were able to see, your eyes adjusted to the light of the room slowly, squinting. "Y/N~ is that better?" You jumped, a pair of arms wrapped around your neck from behind.

      You gasped, suddenly recognizing the person who was behind all of this. It was Todoroki.

       "Sh-Shoto why are you doing this?! Let me go now!" You exclaimed. But, you had duct tape around your mouth so it all came out muffled.

      "Now you want to speak?" He said still behind you. The warmth left you as Todoroki came into your view. He gave you a creepy, but warm smile. Caressing the right side of your face before ripping the duct tape off. To which you let out a noise of pain.

      "Shoto, why am I here? The pros are looking for me! They'll get you! I know they will!" You snapped at him. He flinched at your sudden tone of voice.

      He crouched down almost as if he were talking to a child "Shhh shh shh, don't yell baby. Those pros are taking their sweet time, you know that don't you? Remember when Bakugo was kidnapped?" He let out an airy and confident chuckle "The students had to go save him cause who wouldn't do anything about it? The so called saviors of this place" his voice bitter towards the end.

      "Now I don't plan to hurt you, but if you resist me, I will have to resort to...forceful methods" he spoke like he had everything under control.

      "Fuck you!" You spat on the ground, panting a bit. Your teeth were grinding against one another angrily. "Why are you like this, huh?!? It doesn't have to be this way!" You yelled at him.

      He seemed amused, which only pissed you off more. He grabbed the back of the chair you were in and tilted it down, leaning in close to your face. He spoke soft, "Now listen here Y/N, you are in a position where I can do whatever I want to you, whenever I want too. Watch. It." He put your chair upright again and walked away.

      Just as he was about to exit he mumbled, "I'll bring you some food. In the meantime, I'd like to see you try and get out of those ropes" he shut the door.

      You screamed in anger, trying to kick your legs and wiggle your wrists out. After about 15 minutes of trying you got nowhere. You were cold, and out of energy.

      You felt around the back of your jean pockets, finding a blade. You giggled, starting to make progress on cutting the ropes. You were free of them, finally. You brought your hands forward and rubbed your wrists, they were tender and red now. You flinched whenever you touched them. Putting the blade back in your back pocket, you heard footsteps so you acted like you had gotten nowhere.

      Todoroki came in with some water and cold soba. He smirked when he saw you 'giving up'.

      "Giving up already huh dear? What happened did you get tired?" He put a fork full off soba close to your lips. You nodded softly, opening up your mouth and letting him feed you. As he turned around to get the next fork full, you took your hands out from behind your back, easily untying the knots around your ankles.

      You pushed Todoroki hard, so hard that he fell on the ground. He fell on his stomach so you got on-top of him, grabbing a fist full of hair from his head, pulling. That made his head go up, once it was far enough you slammed his head back into the ground.

      You heard a hiss in pain, seeing some blood. You made his nose bleed. While you were lost in your cocky daze he grabbed your wrist, seeing as it was still hurting from the ropes you flinched, your dominance failing,

      He easily flipped the two of you around and pinned you down by the wrists. The blood from his nose stopping quickly. "That...pissed me off. I said o didn't want to hurt you baby. But now it looks like you leave me no choice".

      You started to cry, the tears falling sideways because of your position. You heard Todoroki click his tongue, wiping your tears with his free hand. "Don't cry now, you almost make me feel bad for kidnapping you" he whispered in your ear.

      He kissed your cheek, up to your eyes. Surprisingly you had stopped crying. He did it again on the other side, then moving down to your jaw.

      Your breath hitched as he eagerly went to your neck, leaving a mark. A hickey if you will.

      "Sh-Shoto?" You weakly squeaked out. 

      "Mm?" He hummed in response, still on your neck. Your heart rate quickened as your face flushed red.

      You felt his lips move up your neck, soon your lips were centimeters away.

      "Wai-mm" he interrupted your sentence by crashing his lips against yours.

      His grip on your wrists loosed a lot but your hands didn't move.

      You two had been kissing for a long while and soon had to pull away for air. You felt his breath on your ear, gasping when you felt his hands around your neck. He was choking you.

"Don't worry darling, just go to sleep"

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