Tamaki x Reader

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      "This is the third time this month Bunny," Tamaki said as he reset your smoke alarm once again. "I know, but cooking is my passion! I just don't exactly know how to cook yet," you said dejectedly as you held the ladder Tamaki stood upon.
      Stepping down the ladder, he gave you a sympathetic smile in an attempt to cheer you up.
      "If you want, I could maybe teach you a few recipes," he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
      "Really?" Your eyes widened with joy as you smiled brightly at the boy before you.
      "I mean, only if you want to," he mumbled, looking down at his shoes as his hair attempted to cover his rising blush.
      "Of course! Let's get started right away," you beamed, grasping his hands tightly as you pulled him into the kitchen.
      Messy dishes littered the counter and the smell of smoke was still quite evident throughout the kitchen. Chuckling awkwardly, you opened the window and began to clean your mess.
      "I'll clean up in here to begin with. Uhh, I suppose you could look through my pantry to get an idea of what we can start with first," you suggested, pointing towards the small pantry.
      By the time you finished scrubbing the pans and counter, Tamaki had already laid out an assortment of ingredients on the kitchen counter.
      "I thought we'd make something simple to start with, so how about French toast? I mean, it is still pretty early in the day after all" He asked, looking to the clock on your wall to confirmed that it wasn't even noon yet. "Sure, sounds good to me!" You responded.
      The smile never faltered from your face as you stood close to Tamaki. Yes, he was very attractive in your eyes, but the fact that he could cook definitely won over your affection.
      "-and then you mix it together. Y/N? Did you hear me," he asked, pausing his cooking lesson as he noticed your spaced out look.
      "Huh, yes! Sorry, I'm just so excited," you cheered, staring intently into his eyes. So intently that his awkwardness took over as he quickly turned to look away.
      "Here I'll crack the egg first, just copy my movements," he said gently, attempting to direct his attention back to cooking.
      Gracefully, he cracked the egg, preventing any of the yolk from getting on him or any of the shell from getting into the bowl. "Now you try," he said, handing you an egg.
      Attempting to copy his style, you tapped the egg shell hard against the corner of the bowl, only to have it explode within your hand. Gasping, you looked sheepishly up at Tamaki.
      "It's alright. You're a beginner and it's not that hard to get the shell from the yolk. Happens to me all the time," he reassured as he used a fork to remove the shell bits from the bowl of yolk.
      Continuing on with the lesson, he taught you how to whisk the egg yolk with the cinnamon and vanilla extract. Surprisingly enough, you managed to avoid spilling any of it.
      "Alright, now it's time we have to be very careful. The egg yolk can occasionally splash up from the pan if you're not cautious," he warned, buttering up the pan before setting it on the hot stove.
      Carefully, he took a slice of bread from the egg yolk onto the pan. It sizzled loudly as he pressed the spatula on it. Once the bread slice was toasted to a golden brown, he extracted it from the pan onto a plate.
      "There. Think you can do that," he questioned, worry evident in his voice. He knew how clumsy you could be and didn't want you to get hurt after all.
      "Of course," you happily responded, switching places with him as you attempted to copy his movements once again.
      Everything was going well till it was time to remove the French toast from the pan.
      "Ouch," you cried out, grasping at the small burn mark on your hand.
      "I'm so sorry, this is my fault," Tamaki chocked out as he gently cradled your hand.
      "No it's not. I should've been more careful. You even warned me about this part," you said, cracking a sympathetic smile. The pain was minuscule compared to the pain you saw in his eyes after all.
      "You live and learn. Let's finish this batch, ok," you asked, looking for a sign of ease in his worrisome eyes.
      "...ok. Just be more careful this time," he finally breathed out.
      Tamaki watched you like a hawk as you finished the last batch with his help. He turned down the heat significantly so it took longer for the French toast to cook, but you still enjoyed yourself.
      Seating yourselves at your living room table, you gestured for him to take the first bite.
      "Well, how is it," you asked with anticipation. Though Tamaki did a significant part of the job, this was your first successful meal ever cooked.
      "It tastes pretty good. Congratulations Y/N," he said while he graced you with a sincere smile.
      Leaning across the table, you grabbed him into a bear hug as you shouted out your appreciation for his help.
      "I love you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me," you unknowingly confessed.
      "I-I l-love y-you too," he jumbled out, blushing brightly as you continued to squeeze him.
Blushing slightly, you pulled away to smile at him.
      "Maybe you could come over more often and teach me some new recipes,"  you said, smiling lopsidedly at his response.
      "O-of course!" He exclaimed, face still flushed with embarrassment.
      Maybe constantly setting the fire alarm off wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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