Overhaul x Reader

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      Y/N was no stranger to surprises. Glamorous gifts, birthday presents, jewelries and such—she had received them all with no hint of astonishment. She was used to being pampered, being loved and being someone everyone's eyes would follow whenever she walked by.
      That didn't mean they can get close to her as they pleased.
      Diseases didn't scare her. She liked being around people, especially if she was the center of attention. However, the idea of being in contact with them revolted her so much that she hardly went to town all by herself. Who knows what will happen if they lay their hands on her?
      After a certain event that changed her pampered life forever, her views had not changed a bit. She still loathed being touched. However, she tolerated the idea of being around dangerous-looking gangsters.
What thrilled her the most was Overhaul's ideals. The world was overrun with disease and he had a cure. Naturally, it was his task to purify the world of the sickness called 'Quirks'. It was ironic, though since in order to fulfill some of his jobs, he used his Quirk. Maybe he made an exception.
      Being born into a family of heroes affected Y/N greatly than others who thought they were all a formidable team—unbeatable, they said. What never crossed their minds was that she—the second eldest of the 5 children born from high-ranking heroes—was Quirkless. It hurt to think about it.
      The only thing she was confident about herself before was her beauty. She was content if she heard them sigh with envy everytime they see her pass by. The time would come when they would realize she was only a normal human hiding inside a gorgeous skin of beauty and pride.
      Being stripped away of the knowledge that beauty couldn't help her escape a predicament like this, Y/N's insecurities returned like a landslide. Usually, people would fawn over her beauty—they didn't. With a simple smile and a kind gesture, the people would kneel in front of her—they didn't. Men from various cities visited their home to have her hand in marriage—he didn't look at her twice.
The transformation of a spoiled woman to a cold-hearted Yakuza member is amazing. Y/N never noticed how her eyes became fiercer, how her face carried expressionless to a whole new lever and how Overhaul glanced at her twice or thrice depending on the situation. She did not need to rely on her beauty to help him cleanse the world.
      Falling in love with each other wasn't part of Y/N's plan. Overhaul figured out he had no control over his feelings—he truly needed her to become his Queen. It took three months at most before he admitted to liking her. For her, it only took a week. So, the two became a couple.
      It was strange, Y/N had thought. Yes it was. Didn't couples tend to go lovey-dovey with each other? Kisses, caresses, hugs... wasn't that the normal things to indulge into? In her case, she did not remember placing a finger on Overhaul's flawless skin nor did he offer to hold hands with her.
Of course he noticed it, too. The compelling urge to run his gloved hand over her smooth-looking skin whilst she stared up at him, eyes coated in desire was driving him to the brink of madness. Was she this attractive? She couldn't be and yet here he was now, contemplating whether or not to pin her to his bed and dominate the life out of her.
      The further she tries to pull away from him, the more he wants to grow closer to her until it was only him she can focus on and no one else. Overhaul came to a conclusion: he wasn't going to be thwarted by this desire anymore if he fulfilled it.
As soon as the meeting ended, Overhaul instructed her to remain in the meeting room with him and reluctantly, Y/N complied.
      "Is there anything I can help you with, Overhaul?" The way her voice sounded was enchanting to him. Her soft breathing enticed him to sit up straight, resisting the urge to pounce on her. Overhaul wasn't a wild animal although he wasn't tamed either.
      "Do come closer, Miss Y/N," he ordered, voice strained. His eyes scanned her figure as she made her way closer to him, bearing a confused expression.
      Honestly, Y/N was afraid she did something wrong. The look in his eyes told her she messed up big time and that she was going to perish. On the other hand, she couldn't find herself disobeying him. Oh, but she was beginning to shake in fright. What was she—a mere Quirkless, recently registered gangster—compared to him—a Yakuza leader, an efficient killer, a deadly opponent?
      In what seemed like hours, Overhaul rose to his feet. Y/N visibly flinched, frozen in her spot. He sauntered over to her in long strides. Sweat covered every inch of her forehead, nervousness rattling her heart, prompting it to beat faster as if she was on a marathon run. She opened her mouth to speak, "What are—"
      To say she was surprised was an understatement. She was shocked. The feeling of electricity which contained a hundred volts, frying her brain to a crisp coursed through her body. The reason? Overhaul enveloped her in his arms.
      Y/N tensed up, the unfamiliar sensation sending chills throughout her body. It was her first time being hugged by someone. She was supposed to hate physical contact but the longer they stayed like this, the more she wanted him to never pull away. The warmth his body radiated was tempting. She wanted to place her hands on his chest and feel the beating of his heart—and that's what she did.
      Ba-dump, ba-dump. Strange. She was sure her own heart was doing exhibitions but Overhaul's was utterly calm. His breathing was composed and it looked to her that he was no stranger when it comes to mere touching.
      Curiosity bewitched him. He began to nuzzle her neck, the plague mask tickling the tender flesh. Her scent wafted over to his nose, hidden in the mask he was wearing. She smelled exquisite—a dessert he wished to ravish.
      She didn't push him away which confused the shit out of her. She repeated over and over again that this was wrong—touching her was...just so wrong! Y/N chose to ignore her conscience.
      Pulling away, Overhaul's gloved hand made its way to the small of her back His other hand cascaded to undo the straps of his mask. Once it was safely placed on his desk, Overhaul slowly leaned in for a kiss—
      "Please stop." Her words rang clear, echoing inside the room. She wanted him to stop now? She's got a nerve! The way her eyes pleaded for him to cease was oddly exciting.
      He complied with her wish, stepping backwards to give her back her personal space. "Was I perhaps going too fast? Was it not to your liking?"
      "No, no! It was—" Blood rushing to her cheeks, Y/N covered her mouth, aware that she was being silly. She liked the sensation of his clothed hands on her body. It wasn't too fast—he was in the right pace. Why did she tell him to stop?
      "I was...just..." her voice trailed off, feeling the need to shrink into the darkness. Embarrassed, she blurted out, "I would like f-for you to continue, Overhaul. I just...just need to breath."
      "Ah, yes." He came up with a plan in which she wouldn't dare tell him to stop. "Take your time."
      Sighing, she inhaled and that was a wrong move. Overhaul's self-control wavered. Y/N barely noticed his relaxed posture before she felt his lips on hers.
      Eyes widening, Y/N gasped. What the he—
      "I'll also be taking my time as I please. That way, we'll be even."

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

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