Kirishima x Reader

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You, Kirishima, and Bakugou are at the mall and Kirishima asks you where you wanted to go. You say, "Let's get some food first, I'm starving".

Kirishima smiles and responds "Okay! Let's go Bakubro".

"Tch, okay" the angry blond mutters.

You guys order some food, while carrying the food you dropped your napkin on the floor by accident. "Oh-sorry" you say slightly embarrassed bending down to get the napkin from the floor.

"It's okay!" Kirishima says while also bending down to get it for you. You two bump heads.

"HAHAHAHA idiots!" Bakugou cackles, clutching his stomach. His laugh caused Kirishima to also start laughing. Of course, you laughed along too.

Kirishima stood up and held out his hand for you to help you up. "Here, come on Y/N" he smiles. You reach up and grab his hand. But as soon as you stand up Bakugou tripped you, making you fall and land on top of Kirishima, he nudged you forward with his foot and made you two kiss.

Once you process the fact that you're actually kissing Kirishima you pull back, your face as red as his hair. "OH MY ALL MIGHT I AM SO SOR-" before you finish Kirishima kissed you again. You felt his warm, soft lips on yours, eyes fluttering closed as you melted into it.

After a long while you both heard Bakugou gag obnoxiously. "Ew, we're in public extras!" He yelled.

You scooted back quickly and got up, "O-oh right- Sorry" you mumbled. Kirishima chuckled, also standing up. Bakugou nodded with a little smirk on his face towards Kirishima.

After a while you guys leave the shopping mall and head back to the dorms. "Y/N can I talk to you?" Kirishima asks respectfully.

"Hm?" You jumped, surprised. "Oh yeah of course! Come on, let's go to my dorm" you say back. As you two walked the hallways together you saw Mina pass you, she winked. You sighed, she knew you liked him. You looked away from her and blushed, Kirishima noticed this and didn't say anything, although he thought it was super cute.

"So what did you want to talk about?" You tilted your head to the side a little confused.

"Well-I-uhm" he gulped before saying "I'm sorry about the kiss! I mean, I'm really sorry I just-" you interrupted him like he did to you at the mall, kissing him.

Once you two pulled away for air you said lightly "Kiri..I really like you. I have ever since I made it into 1-A" you confessed. Your heart hurting, expecting rejection. You looked down and turned your head away, looking at the white wall to your left.

"Y/N, I love you too!" He laughed turning your now red face back to him. "Would you like my girlfriend?" He smiled.

"YES I WOULD LOVE TOO!!!" You exclaimed excitedly. He giggled, picking you up by the waist and spinning you around, off the ground.

He puts you down and just as you two were about to leave, you opened your dorm room door and say two people face plant onto the floor. Mina and Bakugou.

Almost immediately Mina screams "AHHHH WE WEREN'T SPYING!"

Bakugou groaned and sat up, "Shut it! You're making it worse" he smacked her head.

You and Kirishima looked at each other, your hands intertwined. You let out a chuckle, the whole room filling with laughter.

Bakugou smiled softly chuckling "Congrats, extras".

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉.

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