Sero x Reader

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A/N : Hi everyone! Sorry for not uploading in a long long while. I had to take a small break. I'm back now! Uploading better then ever. Today's one shot is gonna be a bit different as it's going to be in first person. Enjoy!

      I couldn't focus on my stupid math homework. I mean how could I when he was on my mind. From his stupid cheesy smile to his kind obsidian eyes. To his smooth voice and endearing laugh. To his selfless nature and kind personality.
      He was all that I wanted. To be held in his strong arms is what I longed for above anything else. Hanta Sero occupied my every waking thought. The more I got to know him, the more I realized how desperately in love I was with the boy.
      I shook my head and tried to focus back on the algebra homework Ectoplasm had assigned to us. Just because I was failing in the love department didn't mean I had to fail in academics as well.
Just as I was about to finish the last question there was a knock at my dorm's door. I huffed and got up to unlock the door only to be met by beautiful onyx eyes.
      "Sero. Hey." I greeted, almost in a whisper. "Hey! Mind if I come in?" He asked me with his usual wide smile. "Of course not, come in." I said as I moved to the side and waited for him to come in so I could close the door.
      "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." The ravenette stated as he flopped onto one of the bean bag chairs in my dorm room. "Not at all, I was just finishing up with my homework." I explained as I felt rouge trying to peak through my cheeks.
I watched as Sero let out and exasperated sigh. "you're a girl right?" Sero asked out of no where after a few minutes of silence. "I don't know. Why?" I mocked his tone. "Sorry. I- well I need some girl advice." He explained, his eyes never meeting mine, instead his were focused on his fiddling fingers.
"Then you've come to the rights place. What's up?" I asked the usually cheery boy. "Well... I kind of um, I kind of have a crush on someone. And no matter what I do I keep messing up with her. Every time I compliment her the words come out all wrong and I end up offending her." Sero explained as he covered his face with his hands.
      It didn't take a genius to know who he was talking about. Mina, Jiro, and I were the only girls in the Bakusquad and Jiro and I had already caught on to how flustered the ravenette became whenever Mina entered the room. His crush on her made sense, their personalities complimented each other well. The only other person who shared their level of wackadoo energy was Denki.
      "I think you just gotta pull the trigger and ask her out Sero. Mina is a great girl and I'm sure once you explain that you've been trying to court her she'll understand why you've been acting so odd." I explained, trying to hold my jealousy back in order to help my two friends get together.
      "Yeah I know you're prob- WAIT... you knew I was talking about Mina this entire time?" He asked me, his face one of shock. I couldn't help but giggle at his cluelessness. "Yeah. Jiro and I figured it out a while back and I think Blasty caught on as well, he just doesn't care. I have a feeling Kiri knows too but I can't be too sure. The only ones who seem to not have a clue about your little crush are Kami and Mina herself." I explained as I felt the tips of my ears heat up.
      "Oh. That makes sense. I guess I was being super obvious." Sero said in a disheartened tone, probably sad that Mina had yet to catch on to his true intentions. "You should ask her out. Anyone would be lucky to have you, you're amazing Sero." I reassured the sweet boy. Just wish it was me you were interested in.
      "I wouldn't even know where to take her." He let out yet another exhausted sigh. My mind immediately went to the carnival being held just a few blocks from school grounds. "Maybe the carnival that's in town this week? You guys could get some food and ride some of the fair rides, you could even win her a stuffed animal or two. That kind of date would fit both your personalities perfectly." I suggested, trying to sound as helpful as possible. No way I'm actually helping my crush plan a date with his crush. And the biggest clown award goes to...
Sero's obsidian eyes instantly lit up. "That's it! You're a genius Y/N! I'll ask her tomorrow and if she says yes I'll take her after school." Sero said in a gleeful voice, his signature smile making it's way back on to his beautiful face.
      "Thanks for all your help. You're an amazing friend." He spoke one more as he enveloped me in a hug. Friend. That's all I'll ever be to him. I wrapped my arms around him and took in his scent, he smelled of daffodils. I couldn't help but imagine this is what it would be like to date him, constant hugs just like this. Before my thoughts could run wild he pulled away.
      "Well I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully I'll have a beautiful alien queen girlfriend by then." Sero joked as he made his way towards the door. "Aha, Yeah. Hopefully. Fingers crossed right." I replied with a forced smile gracing my face, although he couldn't tell that it was forced. "You're the best!" He cheered as he walked out the door. As cliche as it sounds I couldn't help but slide down against the now closed dorm room door and silently sob for the rest of the night.
      The next day went smoothly for Sero, he asked Mina out during Present Mic's English class while we were working on group projects, as luck would have it the Bakusquad was all in one group so I got a front row seat to witness my own heartbreak. Amazing...
      The new happy couple spent the rest of the day gushing about their upcoming after school date which basically had me dying inside. No one other than Jiro and Momo knew of my crush on Sero, I never told Mina because I figured if she knew about my feelings she'd be more hesitant to accept Sero's advances.
      Jiro held my hand under the desks the entire time, almost as if to let me know "I'm here for you if you need anything." A gesture which I appreciated. After school ended I couldn't help but watch as the loving new couple intertwined their hands and began to walk off towards the carnival.
      I didn't realize it at the time but as I stared longingly all teary eyed as Sero walked off into the sunset, hand in hand with Mina, someone was watching me, equally as longingly.
      "I love that guy, but he sure is an idiot." Kirishima gloomily sighed beside me. "Tell me about it." I said with an equally gloomy sigh as I leaned back against the wall next to the redhead. He instinctively placed his arm around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. "What do you say we go get some ice cream?" He asked as he held me tight against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to hold my tears back. "I think that sounds about perfect Kiri." I mumbled as I took in his scent of hyacinth.
      Unknown to me I wasn't the only one with an unrequited love within the Bakusquad, but that would soon change. Someday I'd find someone who would love me for who I am and the other person in our group would have the person he longed for love him back.

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