Todoroki x Reader

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U.A. was amazing. Granted, you were doing your best, you couldn't help but slip up a few times. It wasn't anything detrimental, but your father was constantly on your back about it.

So you'd gotten a B- on your history test. You'd been sick that week, and missed some of the notes. Thanks to Todoroki, he'd caught you up as much as he could.

You still felt bummed out about your grade, knowing your dad wouldn't be too happy about you almost getting a C.

At a reasturaunt...

You sat at the metal table outside the small restaurant, your father sitting across from you holding your most recent progress report. He was carefully going over every little grade that had been inputted, a growing frown sat on his lips.

"This is disappointing." He muttered, folding the paper back up, handing it to you. More or less slamming it down on the table.

"An 80? Are you serious?" Your father scolded you before he took a sip of his coffee. You looked away, embarrassed. He had raised his voice significantly.

"You're enrolled into U.A. God Y/N, I thought you were better than this. Honestly, your mother would be so disappointed." He was now blowing it out of proportion. So you'd missed a few questions on a quiz, you can study and do better next time.

"Dad it's not that big of a deal-"

"You're going to fail that class, and then I'll have to pull you from U.A. and send you to some normal high school. Is that what you want?" Your father threatened, his face nearly going red with anger.

"No dad I'm-"

Endeavor had heard enough. Someone aspiring to be a hero shouldn't have to worry about a bad grade. Sure, they were important, but she was doing well, an 80 wasn't something to be frowned upon.

The large flame covered man walked over to the table and took note of the girl wearing the U.A. uniform.

"An aspiring young hero, it's great to see a new generation of those." Endeavor spoke. You knew the man. He was your boyfriend's dad. I guess you could cross off meeting his parents.

"Hi Endeavor, sir!" You smiled. Endeavor had trouble proving to his son that he was trying to change, so he started with small things. Like helping out other kids with their parents, starting with his son's girlfriend.

"She won't get anywhere with grades like those. I'm honestly surprised she's still allowed to go there." your father spat at the man bruising his large ego.

"If you don't mind, could I see?" he asked, referring to your progress report. Endeavor knew that tone. He used to scold his children, only wanting them to do their best, leaving no time for failure. But he was trying. Trying to be a better dad and a better hero.

He understood that you can't always do your best, but you could always try your best.

You handed the flame hero your progress report and he scanned over it. He took note of your class. Class 1-A.

"You're doing excellent work. I saw you at the sports festival, you've got quite the quirk, young lady." Endeavor gave you a small smile. He glanced at your dad before placing the paper back down on the table.

"You can't seriously be congratulating her work! She's doing horrible-"

"It's not always easy to do your best, but you can always try your best. I'm assuming Miss L/N is trying." Endeavor looked at your dad. Why was he defending you anyway?

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