What Happened To Percy?

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I groaned as I awoke. 

My oddly white hair glimmered, if you could call it that, in the dull sunlight. While having magenta eyes is cool, they have seen nothing but pure stupidity the last few years

Every single day started the same, went the same, and ended the same. Not a single difference to be had. I slouchily moved from one side of my tent to the other, I know exactly what will go on today

As I walked throughout New Rome, a very rambunctious place as it was, I heard the constant whispering as I walked by "Why is that traitor still here?" A voice whispered,  "I heard he climbed out of Tartarus"  Another said. To be truthful, I wasn't a traitor. Traitors have to be on a side in the first place. 

"Hey Percy!"




"What now, Chase?"

Annabeth scrambled up to me. "I-I just wanted to say good morning!"  She lied. I knew full well why she was here.

 "No, I won't date you" She put on a pouty facade. "But I'm perfect for you!"

 I heard my own growling "Name a single reason why I would even consider an idiot like you." 

She tossed back her blue hair "Well, for one-" I had taken this as my opportunity to water-travel away. 

I had a "normal" day as well as I could. Sometimes Tyson would slam him to a wall and yell at me, Sometimes I'd go mess with the Amazons until I was being "chased" by angry females lacking in the throwing department. 

Often, I would find myself with my gun, Stigmi, pointed at another's head. This was because many would refuse to serve me. I was probably the most infamous person in New Rome, Camp Half-Blood and Tartarus. 

Tartarus was probably the most pleasant of places I could go to. After their defeat and banishment, Good ol' Luke Castellan made hell a paradise. The hero always gets a happy ending. 

"Hey there, Lukey" Luke could feel my presence behind him. "Why are you here? I just was talking to my General" 

I gave a hollow laugh "Oops, Should I have not needed to be here this very moment?" Luke groaned "You always complain about..her..harassing you, yet you do it all the time!" 

I sat down on Luke's desk. "Can't spell mean without me" Luke smirked "You also can't spell hypocrite without Percy" I laughed at this. "I can do this all day, You know" 

At that moment, Luke's second in command came in through the door "Hello, M'lord, we are having some diffi-" I snuck from behind the  general "Hey Ethan~" Ethan slouched "Oh, It's you. I swear one of these days.."

 Luke interrupted "What did you need to say?" Ethan perked up "Ah, We have gotten news from an odd source that there is a few spies being sent down here, And I suggest we check My Chemical Romance over here" 

I placed my hand over my heart in mock hurt "I will have you know, I have no sort of Chemicals! Just some other illegal substances.."

Ethan face-palmed.   I could tell Luke knew I was being unusually cheerful, So Luke asked why

"Eh, apathy? This place is the only place I feel happy so-" I cut myself off, but not before Ethan got a smug grin on his face "So you're saying, You like it here?"

"Can we go back to the intruder thing?"  

I gave a mock-pity look. "Sorry, but it's too late."

Ethan and Luke looked at him. "What do you mean!?!" Ethan yelled

I shook my head. What idiots.                           

"For one, The spy's already here, and from what I assume? They might be a pain to deal with"

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