The Return of the Airbenders

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Gusts of wind sent me in all directions and the harsh waves snapped at my ankles. I could barely see through the rain which was bucketing down; Aang was really making this difficult.

If my glider happens to be struck by lighting, everything would be over for me.

"Aang! Stop!"

But he and Appa kept flying, not even looking back at me.

"Aang! Please! We can talk about-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a massive wave came crashing down at me, it's impact plummeting me into the sea.

Once I was surrounded by pitch black water, the only thing I could feel was my glider, and I clung onto it for dear life as I tried to figure out which direction to swim in.

But it was useless, I'd run out of air soon enough and that'd be it for me.

Just as I was starting to give up, there was a blinding white light that surrounded me.

And then I woke up in an igloo.

I sat up and looked around, I had no idea where I was.

My glider was leaning against the wall and I was alone.

"Aang? Hello?"

I grabbed my staff and steadied myself as I stood up, poking my head out of the igloo.

I was in a village, there were a lot of women and a few children bustling around in Water Tribe clothes, a couple of them stopping to stare when their eyes landed on me.

I awkwardly smiled as I hesitantly approached one of them and asked, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me where I am exactly?"

Her eyes were glued to me, and she was constantly examining my clothes, my tattoos and my staff, but still, she replied, "you're in the Southern Water Tribe, your friend is here, too. I can take you to them if you'd like."

My smile became genuine as I gratefully nodded, "yes, that'd be amazing, thank you!"

I followed the Water Tribe lady to what seemed like a class of young water bending children and a boy who was about my age teaching a class, "your friend was with Sokka last time I saw him, I'm sure that he can tell you where he is now."

I thanked her, as she left, my eyes wandered over to the fluffy sky bison directly behind their class.

I felt my face light up and I yelled, "Appa!" Before sprinting over to him and jumping onto his head, and nuzzling into his fur, "are you okay, boy?"

Appa let out a low roar before we were interrupted by the Water Tribe boy, "So, you're finally awake."

I jumped down gracefully before responding, "it would seem so. A lady in your village told me that you'd know where Aang is."

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, he's gone off with my sister somewhere."

I sighed, "that kid... I swear, he has me pulling my hair out."

The faint sound of a child yelling could be heard from an igloo, slightly further away. 

He sighed before leaving to make his way in that direction, "If you'll excuse me."

I nuzzled Appa one more time before grabbing my glider and soaring upwards to see if I could spot Aang, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I circled the village and it's surroundings about seven or eight times before coming back to the icy ground and collapsing in defeat.

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