Dance of the Lost.

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I stood
With one leg bent backwards,
One forward
My head held high
Palms across my face
Hiding my only beauty
Heavily lashed
Red trimmed now
I was to dance
Hence the pose
The dance of the lost
It suit my mood
And the music began in earnest
Throwing myself into it
I let the emotions
Held deep within out
Later on after the applause
The accolades
The praises
I wonder
If they understood
Just what they saw
An actress doing a perfect job
Or a poor girl pouring out her heart
Every step, every pose
Spoke volumes
No wonder they applused so much
A great job
They approved
But I wonder
If there was just one person in that crowd
Who saw that dance for what it was
Someone who understood
The emotions I poured
Into each step
Each turn
Each style
The tears that discreetly fell
The pain that didn't show
The aches in places
I couldn't start to name
I wonder if they saw me
For who I really was
And just what I was going through
I am not sure they did
No one commented
On the ruby trimmed cornea
Or the trails across my face
No one saw nothing odd
In so strong a passion
I had displayed on stage
I think they thought
It was part of the show
To express such genuine emotion
For an act
If only it was just that
When everyone departed
To their homes or so
I sat in the auditorium
And replayed the dance in my head
I knew just what the girl on stage needs
What they never understood
A hug
A warm hug
And a guide to take her home
A home she just lost.

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