Seen As The Sun.

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One day in the nearest future
My other half will look at me
And he will see me
Not as an asset
Not as a trophy
Not as a sidekick
He will see me as his partner
His other half
His love
His only wife
He will see me even when I am not there
I will constantly be on his mind
Not because I nag him
Or annoy him
But because I constantly make him smile
Through my antics, surprises, and devotion
Through my work, values, beliefs and support system
He will be my best friend,
My confidant
My protector
I will be his Belle
His secret keeper
His consultée
His think-tank
We will evolve together
Improving one another
As we grow in love and faith
Even when we argue
Because there will be arguments
We wouldn't sleep without resolving them.
We will teach and correct in love
Because he is me
And I am him
So we are one
We would become role models
To aspiring couples
We will grow old together
Because we remain in love with each other
And not just for our children
Nations will call us blessed
Our love will not be one sided
Because we will see each other like the Sun
Because even without looking,
We would see each other.

I was inspired to write this by this quote from Anna Karenina:

He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

If I was told to write out my favourite top 1000 books, Anna Karenina will not be on that list.  I haven't even finished reading it because it clashes with some of my values but this quote pulls me, enchantes me and gives me pause each time I come across it.

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