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Kim Seokjin's house was located in one of the most luxurious residential neighborhoods in Seoul. It wasn't the first time Kim Taehyung had to break into one of those fancy Gangnam mansions.

Luckily for Seokjin, he wasn't there when Taehyung walked into his living room. The house was quiet; its owner was likely sleeping, as it was only about 5 a.m. right now.

Taehyung knew the memory card was delivered to Seokjin hours ago. He must've seen what's on it already, yet there wasn't any news of anything significant happening between Hope and Sugar in the last couple of hours. Seokjin could simply decide to wait till morning to do something with the information. Maybe Taehyung was wrong, and the memory card had nothing of importance to it. It could be, however, that on that card Seokjin found something he couldn't handle.

Taehyung found the black envelope with the memory card on the desk in Seokjin's study, beside a laptop. The seal wasn't opened.

Why wouldn't he open it right away? Is he even home?

Taehyung's apprehension intensified.

It's not allowed to deliver when the client is absent.

Seokjin, if he did receive the memory card, obviously had very little idea of the mafia world, as the envelope was left in plain sight, and the laptop didn't even have a set password.

Unless someone is deliberately making it easy for me.

It took a few clicks to open the files, but more than 10 minutes to understand the substance of those files.

At first, Taehyung denied what he saw. His heart pounded.

Slowly, he began realizing what he was looking at.

At some point, he found himself staring at the monitor, rewatching the same video over and over.

It was a clip of a freestyle rap battle in an infamous Seoul concert venue, known for attracting the best—which often meant the most scandalous—underground rappers in whole Asia. This was the place where Jung Hoseok and, later, Min Yoongi gave their first performances.

The clip was taken more than a decade ago; it featured two rappers battling, one of whom was clearly winning. The better one was a strikingly handsome young man, his delicate facial features harshly contrasting with the brutality of his verses. He was merciless, shocking, and glorious — the crowd was going wild for him, not even minding the presence of the pity he made of his opponent.

Had Taehyung clicked on this video before seeing the rest of the memory card's contents, he would still know who the man was right away, even though he had never seen his face before.

"You know when you see him," they said.

Indeed, the very look of those dove-like eyes filling with untamed fury was enough to instill fear in any living soul.

The man in the video was once the most powerful man in the whole South Korea and, possibly, beyond — the leader of the legendary Seagull clan. He was known as Seagull, his true name and identity kept secret even for most of the high-up members of the clan.

Decades after the man's death and the clan's collapse, seeing an actual footage of Seagull with your own eyes was still shocking. The proof of the fact that Seagull clan leader was an underground rapper was already more than enough to make this memory card a threat to the contemporary South Korean mafia world, given that its two most influential clan leaders were also successful rappers.

Unfortunately, the memory card also contained another, much more massive threat for Seoul mafia.

The threat's name was Jeon Jungkook. The boy turned out to be the heir to the most powerful mafia clan in Korean history.

Taehyung stood up, taking a deep breath while dialing the familiar number hurriedly. The man couldn't remember another time in his life when he lost his nerve like he did now.

"We're fucked," Taehyung blurted as soon as Yoongi picked up. "You especially, Min Yoongi, because you're so fucking clueless."

"This is likely the last phone call of yours I'm answering," the man replied leisurely.

"With Seagull's son at our backs, I don't think we have much time for phone calls," he pronounced angrily, already on his way out of Seokjin's house, with the memory card in his pocket.

"What are you saying?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Seagull's son is alive."

Yoongi didn't respond right away.

"What?" he asked, in a much more concerned tone.

"Jungkook is Seagull's son. I've seen proof. It was on the damn memory card."

Yoongi kept silent.

"I don't want to be a pain in the ass, but we have to do something about it."

"We'll be at Hwasa's night club in 15 minutes," the man answered finally.

"Does she also have a plan for that?" Taehyung asked sardonically.

Yoongi hung up.

Park Jimin, who watched Taehyung through Kim Seokjin's windows and saw him leaving the house in a hurry, followed him.

Meanwhile, in Seoul suburbs, in his second house, Kim Seokjin received a phone call.

"It's all fine, Seokjinie, everyone left. You can come back home now."

"Everything went as planned?" Seokjin felt uneasy as he tried to sound nonchalant when something illegal was clearly involved.


"So... everything you promised-"

"Of course. I don't need this job anymore."

The phone call ended.

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