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The time came for Kim Namjoon to act. Even though Jeon Jungkook was a global celebrity with his own extreme security measures and an additional police guard after the dressing room incident, the mafia still managed to abduct him. The only reason for that would be to kill the young man, along with the policeman who knew about his ancestry.

After battling police's laziness and legal formalities, Namjoon gathered a dozen of best people from his and nearby districts and had another two dozen on their way to the location from which Jungkoook's phone call was tracked. Namjoon was aware it was Sugar's night club.

Kim Namjoon knew he was likely to die. Maybe all the other policemen who joined him would be killed by the mafia today. Namjoon hated to admit it, but he saw benefits even in such a scenario. Today, the police wins either by force or by publicity. The public won't be able to ignore the death of a whole police unit.

Breaking the front door of one of the most important Sugar bases was the point of no return. Namjoon was ready to get shot any moment, but nothing happened as he entered the club.

Namjoon and his team searched the club's halls. No one seemed to be there. Eventually, they walked into a spacious lounge, where they froze, astonished.

The room was dark, the only light in it being the stage light, illuminating Jungkook's ghastly figure. He was tied up to a chair in the centre of the stage, blindfolded.

Whoever came up with this had a sick sense of humor.

Namjoon knew the Sugar hid in the darkness. There could be hundreds of them: near the stage, at the tables, at the bar, on the balcony, in the rear halls.

Suddenly, a clicking sound echoed in silence. It was the sound of someone walking in heels.

A strikingly attractive woman Namjoon has seen before walked on the stage, slowly approaching Jungkook's chair. When she finally reached him, she looked up, eyeing the group of policemen boldly, then rested her hands on the young man's shoulders.

Jungkook gasped.

Namjoon would've paid more attention to how Jungkook didn't look beaten up or wasn't repelled by the clan woman's touch, if he wasn't so engrossed in the way that woman projected spiteful confidence in front of a dozen armed cops, as if she feared nothing whatsoever.

Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Let him go," he said. "Let him go peacefully and the situation won't get worse for you."

The woman smiled, her wandering hands feeling Jungkook's torso slowly, slightly pulling the ropes at some places.

"What do you think, Jungkook?" she asked playfully. "Should I let you go?"

"Please do," he pleaded, in the same lamenting voice he spoke to Namjoon, but exaggerated to the degree that made it sound like mockery.

Namjoon stopped breathing.

The woman chuckled, proceeding to untie Jungkook. When he took the blindfold off himself, the look of his eyes was painfully familiar to Namjoon.

He looked stunningly like his father.

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