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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked at the time and it was still 12:20 PM.

"Why did I even set an alarm?" I groaned as I turned the alarm off. "Five more minutes," I whispered to myself and went back to sleep.


I can't believe I ended up sleeping until 10:30 PM. I forgot it was my first day working at the convenience store today.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. It won't happen again I promise," I said barely catching my breath from running.

"No, it's okay. The graveyard shift actually starts at 12:00 midnight. Here's your uniform. I'll go now, okay?" Jaeho, the store's manager, said while handing me my uniform.

I bid him goodbye and started my shift.


The shift was not that tiring cause only a few people were coming in and all I had to do was punch their items and that's it.

I also bought myself ramen cause I didn't eat anything yet due to my long sleep.

"Hello, 1 americano please," the lady in front of me said.

"That would be $4."

She paid for the coffee and filled her cup on her own.

I went to the tables to clean the wrappers left by other customers when I felt hot liquid poured into me.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," the lady said. She pulled out a handkerchief and started wiping the spilt coffee on my shirt.

"No, it's okay. Let me buy you another coffee," I said and went to the coffee machine to get her another cup.


I checked my phone for the time. It's already 6 AM.

2 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦...

I remembered about the book so I continued reading it.

Chapter 2

Today's the finals and the sun was already up when I woke up.

I immediately ran to the shower, ate breakfast, and ran to the bus stop hoping I won't miss my bus.

"Weren't you informed that the exam starts at 10:00?," Jeremy said while laughing. "Thanks for the heads up," I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"By the way, what happened to your shirt?," he asked eyeing the coffee stain on my shirt.

"I bumped into a guy while running towards the bus stop," Daniel replied while trying to rub off the coffee stain with his handkerchief.

"Does it still hurt?," Jeremy asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Hey, at least I didn't arrive late. Also, good thing we were near a cafe so I was able to buy him another cup," I said shrugging the issue off.

"Taehyun?" I look up to see Jaeho hyung.

"Jaeho hyung?" I look at my watch to see it was already 8:30 AM.

"Sorry I was a bit late, traffic." He said and went to take over the counter.

I bid him goodbye and went home.


i would just like to point out that the "book" part are not the full chapters!! ill only be writing the parts where the scenes are similar to taehyun's^^

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