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"Yeah, I'll be there. See you later," I hang up and walked towards the bus stop.

It's been a year since I last saw Kai, my best friend. After graduation, he went back to his hometown, Hawaii. He was only supposed to stay there for 3 months but his family decided to extend their stay to 1 year.

Although we never lost contact in that 1 year he was away, I still missed seeing him in person.


I entered Blues Cafe, the place we agreed to meet, and I saw him sitting in the corner, waving his hand with a smile on his face.

"Taehyun!" he started when I walked towards him.

"Kai, it's been so long," I said as I hugged him. I missed my bestfriend so much.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him as I chose my drink too.

"I'll have grapefruit ade," he said and I walked towards the counter.

"Good morning! What would you like to have?" the person behind the counter said with a friendly smile. He had beautiful eyes, one that you could just get lost into while staring at it. He was only wearing a grey oversized shirt paired with jeans but he still managed to look good.

"U-uh one grapefruit ade and one iced americano please," I said, snapping out of the trance I was in.

"That would be $9.82"

I paid for the drinks and went back to our table.

"So, since when were you back?" I asked him.

"Last week? I still had to attend Bahiyyih's graduation."

"By the way, I got you these." he said while placing a paper bag in front of me.

"I bought you Kono coffee since I know how much you love coffee. I also bought you a kalimba since you've mentioned you always wanted one," he said as I was looking at the souvenirs he bought.

"Thank you so much!" I said and smiled widely at him.

"Excuse me, here's your order," a tall guy with blonde hair said.

"Yeonjun hyung! You're working here at this hour? I thought you had a part time worker?

Oh they know each other.

"Oh yeah, Beomgyu was supposed to work alone for today but I decided to drop by," the guy named Yeonjun said.

"Oh right, this is Taehyun my best friend. Taehyun this is Yeonjun. Remember Soobin? This is his boyfriend. They actually own this place," he said introducing us to each other.



We shook hands and smiled at each other.

"Speaking of Soobin, I should probably go home now since I promised him we would go to the mall together," Yeonjun said and bid us goodbye.


"Bye Kai!"

"Bye Taehyun! See you tomorrow!"

It was almost 11:00 PM when we parted ways. After going to the cafe, we decided to go to the mall and play at the arcade. We also watched a movie and had dinner afterwards.

I went back to my apartment and took a bath. I still needed to go to the convenience store for my shift.


hello, is anybody actually reading this?? 😂 anyways, all 5 of them finally met now!! will be updating often before online classes start^^

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