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"Good morning."

I saw Beomgyu walking towards me.

"Good morning. You didn't bring your car?"

"I want to take the bus with you," he said reaching out his hand to me.

I intertwined our fingers and smiled at him.

"What's with you wanting to ride the bus with me?" I said looking at our intertwined fingers.

"I don't know, it just seems romantic."

We sat inside the bus and waited for the other passengers to settle down.

I sat by the window and Beomgyu sat next to me.

"Remember our second meeting?" Beomgyu started.

"I sat beside you like this and asked if you knew me. I was hurt that you immediately forgot about me," he said with a pout.

I laughed at his statement.

"Don't take it to heart, I actually knew you were familiar but I couldn't remember where I saw you so I just told you I don't know you."

I suddenly yawned, the exhaustion was coming back to me.

"You can sleep for a while. I'll wake you up when we arrive," Beomgyu said while leaning my head against his shoulder.


"Taehyun, we're almost here."

I woke up to see our stop not so far away.

"Let's go."

Beomgyu walked me to my apartment.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat breakfast first?" Beomgyu asked again.

"I'll just order take out when I wake up later. I really want to rest now."

He nodded, finally convinced.

"I'll see you later then," he said and pulled me into a hug.


I woke up at around 5 PM. I looked at my phone to see Beomgyu texted me.


text me when you wake up


have you eaten yet?

Not yet, I was about to order

i'll buy, can we eat at your place?


I took a shower first while waiting for Beomgyu.


"Hey," I said as I opened the door for Beomgyu.

"I bought pizza," he said while placing the food on the table.

"Here, eat. You haven't eaten anything yet right?" he said giving me a slice of pizza.

"Thank you."

"Are you free next week?"


"I wanted to take you guys to my hometown."

"I'll tell Jaeho hyung I'll be out next week then," I said suddenly excited about the trip.

"Great, I'll go ask Yeonjun hyung if they can come too," Beomgyu said and started texting the others.


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