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It's now 1 month since the break up. I can't say that I'm 100% okay now but compared to my condition in the first week, I'm way better.

I locked myself in my apartment and cry myself to sleep. I barely ate anything that I almost passed out while taking a shower. Hueningkai visited me everyday but I never opened the door for him. Soobin hyung also called me several times a day but I never answered his calls. As for Yeonjun hyung, I don't know. Maybe he's still trying to find Beomgyu.

As for Beomgyu, I don't know. The last time I talked to him was when I read his letter. Not that I care.

After that week I realized, I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't throw myself away just because of a guy. Maybe he isn't the right one for me. The world is big, I'll still meet many people. Maybe the right one for me is still out there.

So I started going out again. I also went back to work. Good thing Jaeho hyung understood when all I told him was "We broke up." I told Hueningkai and Soobin hyung what happened. They looked at me with pity but I just shrugged it off.

Tonight I am going to Soobin hyung's house. Hueningkai went somewhere so I'm sleeping over at Soobin hyung's place. I actually slept over for the past few days so Soobin hyung just got used to me randomly popping up outside his door.


I stopped by at the convenience store first to buy ice cream and chips so we can eat something while watching movies.When I arrived in front of his house, I saw the door was left ajar. I walked closed to the door to peek inside when I heard voices arguing.

"You ended it just like that?"

It was Yeonjun hyung. He sounded furious.

"You were gone for months. You cut all communications from us. And now that you came back you're telling me you broke up with Taehyun long ago? And everyone knew except me?"

I freezed.

"I told you, I don't love him anymore."

"You jerk!"

I heard a thud and Soobin hyung's scream.

I opened the door completely and there I saw Yeonjun hyung punching someone underneath him.




hellooo?? is anybody actually reading this?? hsjshsj sorry for the long wait,, i got too busy with classes :(( i'll try to update again tomorrow'^^

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