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We are now headed to Beomgyu's hometown, Daegu.

Yeonjun hyung drove for us using Hueningkai's car.

"Are you sure we can stay at your house? We can sleep at a nearby hotel," Yeonjun asked Beomgyu.

"No, it's okay hyung. I already asked our maid to prepare rooms for all of you."

After hours of travel we finally arrived at his house- no wait it's a whole mansion.

Beomgyu ushered us to our rooms while he went to check on the food. Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung shared one bedroom while I shared with Hueningkai.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with Beomgyu hyung?" Hueningkai asked while unpacking his things.

"No, I missed sharing a room with you," I said and smiled at him.

He just smiled at me and went inside the bathroom to shower.


I didn't realize I dozed off. I looked around the room to see no signs of Hueningkai.

I took a quick bath first and went outside to find the others.

"Hueningkai! Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him once I found then seated in the dining area.

"You looked tired so I just let you sleep," he said while eating his meal.

"Aren't you hungry? Come sit." I look over to Beomgyu inviting me to sit beside him.

I sat down and ate my meal.


"Rest well tonight okay? We'll have a barbeque party by the pool tomorrow!" Beomgyu said as he closed the door to our room and went to remind Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung too.

"Hueningkai," I called to him to see if he was still awake.


"I-I want to talk to you about something."

Hueningkai sat down on his bed and looked at me, signaling me to continue talking.

"I have this book," I said while showing him the book I bought before .

"Your Story?" He said reading the book's title out loud.

"Well, as I was reading the book, I realized that the scenes were very similar to what's happening to me."

Hueningkai gave me a confused look.

"I mean, there was this one time where Beomgyu and I ate at a cafe and the scene was in this book too!"

"I think you're overthinking Taehyun. Maybe it's just a coincidence?"

"I thought about that too, but it wasn't just one scene! It was all the scenes written in the book!"

Hueningkai didn't react to what I said.

"Maybe this book tells Beomgyu and I's story," I said looking at the book.

"If that is the case, aren't you curious about how it'll end?" I looked at Hueningkai with guilty eyes.

"I wanted to read the ending, but I decided against it. I want to see how our story's going to turn out on my own."


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