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After my shift, I went home and looked for the book. I looked for it everywhere but I couldn't find it.

Calling Hueningkai...

"Taehyun! Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I was about to."

"Why did you call?"

"Remember that book I told you about?"


"Have you seen it?"

"No, why?"

"I can't find it."

"When did you last see it?"

"Not sure, maybe I left it at... Beomgyu's..."

There was a long pause before I spoke again.

"I'll go looking for it again. Sorry to disturb you."


I am now at the cafe. Today's been a slow day. Only a few customers were coming in and most of them just ordered iced americano and left. I fished my phone in my apron's pocket when I suddenly felt something else.

𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩...

I opened it and read the letter.


Sorry if I disappeared on you like that. I'm sorry if I had to do this through a letter but, let's break up. I met someone who made me realize what love really feels like... And it wasn't you. I'm sorry. I hope you can find someone who makes you happier than I did.

- Beomgyu

I tried calling Beomgyu and to my surprise he answered on the third ring.


I felt my tears threatening to fall. I covered my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.

"H-How have you been?"

I can sense that he hesitated to answer for a while.

"I-I'm good."

"That's good to hear. Everyone's been worried about you. Call everyone and tell them you're fine, okay? Especially Yeonjun hyung, he's been looking for you everywhere. He barely stays at home with Soobin hyung lately."


"T-Take care. Thank you for everything."

I ended the call and saw Hueningkai entering the cafe.


I looked at him looking defeated.

"Hey why are you crying? What happened?"

I buried myself against his shoulder and cried.


I woke up to an unfamiliar room. I looked around and the first thing that I noticed was the gray wallpaper.

I went out of the room to see Soobin hyung in the kitchen, cooking.

"Oh you're awake? Here drink some water first."

I sat on the island and drank some water.

"We brought you to our house since Hueningkai went somewhere and we didn't know the pin to your apartment."

I just nodded.

"Here, eat breakfast first," Soobin hyung said and placed a plate of toasted bread, egg and bacons.

"By the way, you can go home and rest some more after you eat breakfast. Yeonjun took over your shift for today."

He sat beside me and ate breakfast too.

"You're not gonna ask me what happened?" I asked. I randomly broke down in the cafe without saying anything to the point that I just got too tired and fell asleep, they should be curious right?

"I don't think you're ready to talk about it yet. You can tell me about it when you're ready," he gave me a reassuring smile and went back to eat.


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