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We are now sitting on a bench still within the premises of the hospital. Hueningkai dragged me here after telling Yeonjun hyung he wanted to talk to me.

"Why do we have to talk here? What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Do you hate Beomgyu?" he asked looking at his coffee.

"Why do you ask?" I said trying to avoid the question.

"I mean, he suddenly went missing and the first thing he does when he finally reached out is break up with you."

"I don't think I hate him. I mean yes, he did hurt me. I was disappointed that the person I was ready to fight for until the end left me in the middle of a battle, but I never hated him," I answered with sincerity.

"Then, do you still love him?" Hueningkai asked.

I stayed silent.

"You don't have to answer that," he said when he realized that I wasn't going to give him an answer.

"About the thing I wanted to talk to you about... please don't get mad at me, okay?" he started.

"I can't promise but I'll try to understand," I said.

"Remember when Beomgyu went missing?"

I nodded.

"I've actually been keeping in touch with him the whole time."

He looked at me to see my reaction.

"You're not mad?"

"I'm sure there's still a continuation to what you're saying."

He looked relieved.

"Remember that book you told me about? I told Beomgyu about it and apparently he also owns a similar book."

He took 2 books from his bag and gave it to me. One of the books was the one I owned and the other one must be Beomgyu's.

"Remember when we slept over at Beomgyu hyung's? I actually told him about this," he paused to look at my reaction.

"Then he told me about this book," Hueningkai pointed at the book I was holding.

"The story is the same but in the other guy's point of view," he took the book from me and started flipping the pages.

"But the difference is, Beomgyu hyung's book has blank pages," he gave me the book and it was opened to a blank page.

"The text only appears once the scene happens in real life."

Hueningkai paused. I tried to take everything in.

"He asked me to get your book so he can read what will happen next," Hueningkai looked at me worriedly.

"He told me that both of you will face a tragic accident at the end of the story."

hi again >< we're almost nearing the end !! is anyone still here to read it ._.

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