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I told Hueningkai I needed time to be alone. He went back to his apartment while I went back to Beomgyu's room.

"You're back," Yeonjun hyung said as soon as I entered the room.

"Where's Hueningkai?" he asked while looking behind me.

"He went home already," I said dully.

"You okay?" Yeonjun hyung asked when I stayed silent for too long.

"Hyung can you please watch over Beomgyu tonight? I'll be back early tomorrow I promise."

"Sure," Yeonjun hyung said without any further questions.


"So that's why he kept his distance from you," Soobin hyung said after I told him everything.

I just stayed silent.

"Can I see the books?"

I gave him mine and Beomgyu's book.

I just spaced out while Soobin hyung was going through the books.

"Wait, look," he said which made me snap back to reality.

I went to look at what he saw.


I rushed back to the hospital at 6 am.

"Taehyun? You're back so early," Yeonjun hyung said still half awake.

"I-I just needed to see Beomgyu immediately," I said while catching my breath.

"Yeonjun? Let's go home," Soobin hyung said when he finally caught up to me.

"It's still too early, can't we leave at 7?" Yeonjun hyung said and lied back down at the sofa.

Soobin hyung approached him and they stared at each other for a long time.

"Oh," he said with realization in his eyes.

"We'll go now Taehyun. We'll try to visit again later," Soobin hyung said and they went out the door.

I sat beside Beomgyu.

"Beomgyu~" I said with longing. I held his hand and continued talking.

"Wake up now please... I miss you so much."

I wiped the tears that fell down.

"The book hasn't ended yet... Our story hasn't ended yet..."

I paused, waiting for him to answer me. I laughed at myself.

"I know you can hear me... It doesn't matter if it takes you years to wake up... Just don't leave me okay? I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

I stood up and moved closer to his face. I trailed my fingers down his face, from his eyes. to his nose, down to his lips. I looked up to his eyes, expecting his dark orbs to meet mine. I planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you Beomgyu, don't leave me please."

last 2 chapters >< are we ready for the ending ><

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