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We went to see Beomgyu. He looked better than I last saw him. His face wasn't filled with blood anymore.

I just stood by the door, unsure if I should go near him or just leave.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Kim." A guy wearing a coat said, probably around his late 20s.

"How is he?" Soobin hyung asked.

"He didn't have any broken bones. He just had several wounds that we already stitched. We'll just wait for it to heal before we remove the stitches," Dr. Kim explains.

"When will he wake up?" This time, Yeonjun hyung was the one who asked.

"We really can't tell. Maybe after a few weeks? Maybe even after a few months or years. It actually depends on the patient."


It's already been a month since Beomgyu's accident. I volunteered to watch over Beomgyu since his relatives lives far away and they needed to go back go work. Yeonjun hyung told me that I can take a break from my job until I want to work again. I also called Jaeho hyung and told him about my situation. He told me that he'll just hire a temporary part time worker until I go back to work again.

"Here, eat," Hueningkai said after handing me food. He's been visiting me almost everyday to see if I already ate and to switch with me when I needed to take a bath.

"Taehyun?" Hueningkai called me while I was still in the bathroom, drying my hair.


"Are you done?"

"Yes, you need to go somewhere?" I said as I stepped out.

"Oh no, it's just... I wanted to tell you something."

We were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"I brought coffee," Yeonjun hyung said and gave us our cups of coffee.

"Thank you hyung."


"Still no signs of Beomgyu waking up?" Yeonjun hyung asked and sat at the chair beside Beomgyu's bed.

"Not yet," I answered.

"Beomgyu," Yeonjun hyung said with a desperate tone.

"Wake up now, please?" he held Beomgyu's hand while looking at Beomgyu with pleading eyes.

After a few minutes, we heard him sigh.

"I guess it's still not the right time. Just take as much time as you need okay? We'll always be here waiting for you even if it still takes you 3 years to wake up," Yeonjun hyung told Beomgyu.

"But don't take too long, okay? We'll miss you too much then," he laughed but his eyes were mirroring sadness.

"Do you guys want to go out? I can stay here until you come back," Yeonjun hyung offered.

"No, it's fi-"

"Actually hyung, I wanted to talk with Taehyun outside. We'll be back immediately," Hueningkai said cutting me off.

it's almost 2 months since i last updated,, sorry for the long wait ><

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