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"Taehyun? Taehyun what happened?" Hueningkai was talking to me but I didn't have the energy to respond.

We were now waiting outside the operating room. I immediately called 911 although I still couldn't process what happened. Beomgyu was in a critical state when we arrived at the hospital. The doctor said he already lost too much blood and his pulse was slowing down. It's already been 3 hours since they started operating on Beomgyu.

"Taehyun, why didn't you tell me Beomgyu broke up with you?"

I didn't even notice Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung were already here.

"Why didn't you tell me he broke up with you?" Yeonjun repeated his question.

"Hey, this isn't the right time for that," Soobin hyung said and pulled me away from Yeonjun hyung and Hueningkai.

We sat on a chair far away from them.

"What happened?" Soobin hyung asked.

I let out a sigh. Tears were threatening to fall again.

"When I was about to go home, he dragged me until we arrived at the bus stop," I paused, trying my best not to cry.

"And then when we arrived, we started arguing. In the middle of our arguement, he apologized to me and then hugged me. I distanced myself from him not realizing I was standing on the road and then-,"

I looked down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried. Soobin hyung just looked at me with me pity.

"A-and then, there was this car who was r-racing towards me. I wasn't sure w-what to do. I just stood there, waiting for the car to hit me. B-but B-Beomgyu... H-He pushed me away... And then he-"

My crying just got louder. Soobin hyung pulled me into a hug.

"It's all my fault," I said in between sobs.

"No, it's not your fault. Nobody wanted this happen," Soobin hyung said assuringly while gently patting my back.

Just then, the door to the operating room opened.

"Mr. Choi Beomgyu's family?" the doctor asked.

"I'm a close friend of him, all of his other relatives live 2-3 hours away," I heard Yeonjun hyung said.

I tried to stop myself from sobbing and compose myself.

"Taehyun," Hueningkai called me.

"They're moving Beomgyu hyung to a room, I think we can see him now."


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