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As Beomgyu promised last night, we did have a barbeque party.

We were now gathered at the pool area. Hueningkai and Yeonjun hyung were playing in the pool while Soobin hyung and Beomygu were cooking.

"Taehyun come here!" I hear Hueningkai calling me.

"Later!" I answered and went over to the grill to try a piece of meat.

"Is it good?" Soobin hyung asked me.

I nodded and ate another piece.

"Yah! Don't eat it all," Beomgyu slapped my hand away from the plate.

Soobin hyung just laughed at us.

"Hueningkai! Yeonjun! Let's eat!" Soobin called and we ate together.


After the mini barbeque party, I dried myself up and changed into casual clothes.

"Taehyun-ah," I looked behind me to see Beomgyu peeping his head by the door.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really, why?"

"I wanted to go somewhere with you. Just the two of us," he said while sitting down beside me.

"How about the others?"

"Don't worry, I already told them about this. They told me they'll just watch movies in my room."

I nodded.

"Where are we going then?" I asked him.

"I'll introduce you to my parents."


"Mom, dad. It's been so long since I last visited right? I'm sorry I only had the time to go see you today," he motioned me to stay beside him.

"Anyways mom, dad, I want you to meet someone."

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Choi, I'm Taehyun," I said while placing the flower.

"This is Taehyun, my boyfriend," he intertwined our fingers and raised our hands, showing it to his parents.

"Hopefully you support our relationship."

There was a long silence before Beomgyu started talking again.

"Mom, dad, I was so lonely when you left me. I thought I was never gonna love again cause I was scared that everyone I would love will just leave me in the end."


"But Taehyun," he looked into my eyes and gave me a soft smile.

"He made me bet on love again. He made me realize again how beautiful love was."

He held his head down as I heard his sobs.

I let go of his hand and hugged him tightly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Choi, I promise to love your son forever. I promise to never leave his side, not now, not ever."

He slowly lifted his head to look at me.

"I promise."


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