Leave Him Alone!

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Chapter 7

*Adam's POV*

I've been walking for hours. I called out for Tommy so many times. I checked for every abandoned warehouses & places. Nothing. Tommy, where are you? I see a warehouse up ahead, I walk up to the door & turn the rusted knob. I entered through the door as the scent rust hits my nose, I look around for any sign of life or clue to where Tommy could be. I hear crying, I followed the sound. When the crying got louder, I recognized the crying, it was Tommy. I started running towards the sound, it led to a door. I opened to reveal a person, but not just any person, my love.

"Tommy!" I said. He had duct tape over his mouth, he's trying to say something. I slowly got the tape off his mouth.

"Adam watch out!" he yelled. I turn around, but I got knocked out.


I open my eyes, my head hurts. I look around, I'm in a warehouse. I'm tied down to a chair. I have a cloth wrapped around my mouth preventing me to speak. Where am I? I see the door open & standing there was the person I didn't want to see.

"Adam, you're awake," Brad said. I just stared at him. "Oh, I forgot," he walked over to me & undid the cloth.

"Where's Tommy!" I yelled.

"Shh," he placed his finger on my lip, "he's here," a light goes on next to him. I see Tommy tied down also & is trying to get out.

"Tommy!" I called out.

He look towards my direction & smiles, "Adam!" he replied.

"Why do you need him when you have me," he connected his lips with mine. I pulled back, disgusted, "Fine, have it your way, Lambert," he walked over to Tommy. "Isn't he pretty," he punched him in the stomach.

"No!" I yelled. "Leave him alone!" I try to pry the knots out of the rope.

"Stupid Adam," he stood in front of me. "Don't you know that I'm the one controlling this relationship, not you? Of course, you don't," he pulled back his fist & connected it with my jaw. "You were blinded by the fact that someone likes a faggot," he punched me again.

"He's not a faggot!" Tommy screamed.

"Oh, really," he walked to Tommy. "Then what is he?"

"He's human," he said. I smiled.

"If you're are then why are you with him?" Brad asked.

"Because I love him," he answered.

"If he does why don't he say-"

"I love you, too, Tommy," I said.

"Whatever," Brad said. He punched Tommy in the face which made his chair fall on the ground along with him. Brad started kicking Tommy in the stomach & face.

"No!" I yelled. "Leave him alone. He hasn't done anything!" He didn't listen. "Hit me! Hit me instead of him!" I yelled. He stopped. Tommy spit out blood.

He walked to me, "I don't want to hit you, babe," I spit on his face, which results in him punching me, I fell with the chair & Brad started kicking me. I had to do something, I can't let him hit my Glitterbaby.

"No!" I heard Tommy yell. "Hit me, not him! Just leave him alone!"

Brad stopped. I cough up blood. "I'm done anyway," he said before he left.

"Adam," Tommy said, "are you still here?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered, "I'm right here, Glitterbaby."

"I'm so sorry, Adam. This is all my fault," he said.

"No, it's not. I should've gone with you to the park. It's my fault," I said.

"Please, don't go," he said.

"I won't, I'll try my hardest to stay awake, for Tommy," I said. "I love you," I said.

"And I love you," he replied.

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