Male genderbend Esmeralda x reader

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Today was the Fools Festival. I put on my best clothes and snuck out. I was wearing a my favorite color cloak that had silver laced designs forming all around. I wore a black jumpsuit and flats. I didn't have much but this is the only nice thing my "father" gave me. My father found me as a baby a long time ago and took me in he cared for me but didn't treat me well. He started ordering me around and telling me to have stuff done. He imprisoned me in the stupid bell tower but the statues convinced me to sneak out. So I did. That leaves us to now.

There were tons of stands filled with colors, fruits, and jewelry. I made me way to a large crowd but immediately saw Frollo. I covered my face with the hood of the cloak as I moved to the sides of the crowd. By the time I looked on the stage, a smoke bomb went off and in its place stood a tall handsome man. He looked about the same age as you maybe a year or 2 older than you.

You watched in awe as he danced gracefully throughout the stage. All the women and some men were at the front of the stage screaming in excitement. I caught eyes with the mysterious beauty and he smirked at me. He through something on the ground and smoke rose around him as he disappeared. He reappeared a couple feet away from me in another cloud of smoke as he danced towards me, his swift movements making my heart race and my eyes to go big.

Once he reached me he wrapped his arm around my waist and gently grabbed my hand. I was too hypnotized to realize how dangerous this could be for me. I let him take me and dance with me as I too danced with him.

"Your a lovely dancer" I said breaking the silence between us. He smirked again.

"Why thank you m'lady" I blushed and quickly went to correct him.

"O-oh! M-my name is (Y-Y/N)" I said instantly. He twirled me and dipped me causing my hood to fall off.

"Such a fine name for a beautiful lady" he said, lifting me up and released me as he disappeared and reappeared in smoke on the stage. I stood there shocked and there were a few amount of people surrounding me. Some with looks of jealousy and some with a genuine smile.

I then realized my hood was off and quickly put it back on looking in the direction of Frollo who was burning daggers in me. I knew that look. He then whispered in a guards ear. The guard looked at me and signaled for 2 other men to follow. Oh no. I started walking which then turned into fast walking away and behind the stage. At this point I was running and ran into a section of tents. I heard the guards footsteps and commands for me to stop but I didn't I kept running. I stopped to take a quick breath but was then pulled into a tent. I moved around trying to get loose.

"Hey! Hey! It's me!" a familiar voice said. I slowly opened my eyes to see that handsome face. A look of shock was written in my face. He chuckled a bit but then a few voices were heard outside.

"Check the tents. She could be hiding in them" A set of footsteps approached the tent and the man lead me towards the closet and told me to hide there. I was surrounded by darkness, my breathing picking up. Suddenly there were voices talking but they were too muffled to make out. Then someone was approaching the closet and light flooded in.

"Ok he's gone" the man said. You let go of the breath you were holding. You went to get out but tripped and fell on top of the man. Your eyes widened as blush rose to your cheeks.

"I'm so sorry!" You went to get up but he pulled you back down.

"You know, your cute when you blush" he said smirking a little. At this point I was as red as a tomato. He chuckled as his smirk got bigger.



"That is my name"

"O-oh. Nice to m-meet you Esmerald"


Aaaaand done! I hope you enjoyed the story! Please leave some requests so that I can pair you with someone you like! And of course... Have a good rest of your day!

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