Scrapbook Worthy II Dipper x reader

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Dipper invited me on an adventure with Mabel. We were walking through the woods looking for a werewolf. We need a hair for the spell that Ford needs to cast the protection spell from Bill Cipher.

"Ok. The journal said that they only come out at night and like open spaces were they can see the moon." Dipper reads, putting the journal back in his vest.

"So all we need is to find an open space where theirs a lot of moonlight coming in" I said stopping to look around. Dipper stopped and looked around too. Mabel sat on a nearby rock.

"I wonder if I will get a werewolf boyfriend" Mabel sighed dreamily. She gazed at the sky with hope in her eyes.

"In one night?" Dipper asked looking at her with confusion.

"It's called love at first sight dipping sauce" she said as she stuck her tongue out and poking him. I chuckled a little and then started looking around.

"Over there!" I pointed. We all rushed to a bush and hid behind it. There was a werewolf that was crawling to the edge of the cliff. It shifted into a boy with black hair and yellow eyes. He had a black shirt and a leather jacket with black ripped jeans. Mabel started drooling as Dipper pulled out his journal. I looked over Dippers shoulder and he started turning a bright red. Cute.

"I-it says that we j-just need one h-hair" he stuttered.

"How are we going to get a hair from a werewolf" I asked. Mabel cracked her fingers.

"Leave that to me" she said in a serious tone. She stepped out of the bush as me and Dipper were whisper- yelling her too stop. She walked up to the boy and introduced herself. He turned in shock. He shifted and started growling at her, slowly back her up.

I looked back at Dipper and he looked at me. Both of our faces filled with shock and worry.

"We need to think of something to get Mabel out of there so she doesn't get hurt" I whispered.

"Do you have any ideas?" Dipper asked. I then thought of a plan but it was dangerous and risky. I looked at Dipper with a genuine smile. He looked at me confused and then understood what I was trying to say.

"(Y/N) no..." he said desperately. I wrapped him in a hug but he was too in shock to hug back.

"I love you Dipper" I said. I went over and kissed his cheek as I ran over to the werewolf and started getting it's attention.

"Hey furball! Come at me! Unless your scared?!" I yelled. It turned it's attention to me as it growled a lot louder. I looked back and saw Mabel with Dipper. I looked back just in time to see the wolf lunge at me. I quickly dodged it.

"Run!" I yelled. We all bolted towards the exit of the woods. I caught up with Dipper and Mabel and we all ran, dodging trees and branches.

"According to the journal the wolves can't leave the woods!" Dipper said panting. "So we just need to get out of the woods!"

The wolf was hot on our trail but we managed to get out at the last minute. We all fell on the ground out of breath.

"I got the hair" Mabel said raising her hand in a fist with the hair inside it. We all smiled tiredly.


We started walking back to the Mystery Shack. Mabel rambling about how she was never getting a werewolf boyfriend. Dipper and I were walking in silence. Once we reached the shack I told them goodbye and started walking off but Dipper called me to wait. He ran up to me and I started blushing.

"Sooooo, y-you like me?" Dipper asked, looking at me with curiosity. I avoided eye contact.

"Y-yeah" I answered. I looked back at him a blushing mess. Dipper smiled.

"W-well I like you t-too" he said. My eyes widened in shock. My mouth agape. He chuckled lightly.

"I have loved you s-since we met" he said shyly. I smiled, so much joy filled my face. I slammed my lips against his, but instantly pulled off.

"S-sorry" I said embarrassed. I just wanted to climb into a hole and never come out. Suddenly a pair of lips crashed into mine. I looked at Dipper in shock. I slowly melted in and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a while, we pulled away for air, which I wished didn't exist right now. I waved at Dipper goodbye as he waved back. I could not wait for the morning to see Dipper!


Thank you so much for reading mah story. It really means a lot! Please leave me some requests and overall have a good rest of our day! :)

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