My Captured Love II Prince x assassin! reader

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"Your job is to take out the Prince" Tony said. Tony is basically my agent but my boss at the same time. I'm an assassin. Tony gave me these jobs that paid very nicely since I'm in need of money. My mom is sick in the hospital and I needed to find a way to pay for her surgery otherwise she would die. I love her to death and she did so much for me. I wasn't giving up on her. She's the only person I have. Me and Tony would work together to pay off or situations. I would do the dirty work and he would do the illegal work in finding the jobs, then split the pay.

"Why does someone want to take out the prince?" I asked, rather curious.

"I was paid not to ask questions so I don't know. But this one is paying 1 million dollars. Our highest pay yet." he said. My eyes widened. That's enough to pay for the surgery!  I thought.

"When is this" I asked. I was determined to do this job and get the money.

"Tonight. Get what you need. You have 3 hours" Tony said. And with that, I walked out.

I went home and started getting ready. I put my suit on while getting my weapons.

You don't have to have that hair/face covering thing on (I honestly wouldn't want to)

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You don't have to have that hair/face covering thing on (I honestly wouldn't want to)

I grabbed my katanas and put them on my back. I put my knives in all the little compartments, along with smoke bombs and sleeping spray. I put my mask on and secretly made my way to the castle.

The castle was heavily guarded but wasn't a challenge. I got up to his window and went in since it was opened. I looked around. Empty. I walked out into the hallway as soon as about 6 soldiers that were on patrol, turned the corner.

"Intruder!" The leader of the group yelled. They all ran after me and I picked up my pace. I ran turning left and right.

"Split up!" I heard from behind me. Shoot. I turned all sorts of ways. I saw stairs but to my left were 3 of the men and behind me were the other 3. They surrounded me. I smirked as I reached for my smoke bombs but they weren't there. They must have fell when I was running! I looked back up at the guards, who were pointing there swords at me. I put my hands up. 

I didn't want to bring my blades out yet. I always brought my katanas out before the victim and stained the sword with there blood. No one else's. This job is already hard enough, I try to kill less people I can but I'm ready to take them out if I need too. I make due with the jobs. After all it's for my mom. Suddenly the prince showed up and examined me looking up and down at my body.

"Back off princey" I snarled.

"Don't talk to the prince like that!" The leader of the patrol group yelled.

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